Social Challenges Platform: key findings released

Social Challenges Platform: key findings released. Cities and regions can use challenge-based innovation to meet social challenges.

Italian version below

Analysis of the Social Challenge Platform’s first three Calls demonstrates that cities and regions can use challenge-based innovation to both meet social challenges and stimulate SME growth.

​The analyses was released in full today. It were previewed at the Cohesion Policy meets Social Enterprises workshop during the European Week of Regions and Cities last October.

Full story, including videos, slides and the report itself, as on the Social Challenges Platform

Social Challenge Platform: pubblicati i risultati principali

L’analisi dei primi tre call della Social Challenge Platform dimostra che le città e le regioni possono utilizzare l’innovazione basata sulle sfide per affrontare le sfide sociali e stimolare la crescita delle PMI.

Le analisi sono state pubblicate oggi in versione integrale. Sono state presentate in anteprima al workshop Cohesion Policy Meets Social Enterprises. Il workshop ha avuto luogo durante la Settimana europea delle regioni e delle città dello scorso ottobre.

La storia completa, con video, diapositive e il rapporto stesso, è disponibile sulla Social Challenges Platform.