News Archives - META Group Knowledge to Market Thu, 20 Jul 2023 09:32:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 News Archives - META Group 32 32 How Izmir is strengthening the innovation and entrepreneurial potential of the region Tue, 07 Mar 2023 11:24:54 +0000 Deeptech innovation in fields such as AI, IoT, biotechnology, robotics, and augmented reality applications mean unique products, new jobs, and new markets. Insufficient financial resources, lack of support mechanisms, and difficulty in innovating while serving customers often hinder the development of solutions in these fields. Izmir city in Turkey is one of the administrative centres …

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Deeptech innovation in fields such as AI, IoT, biotechnology, robotics, and augmented reality applications mean unique products, new jobs, and new markets. Insufficient financial resources, lack of support mechanisms, and difficulty in innovating while serving customers often hinder the development of solutions in these fields.

Izmir city in Turkey is one of the administrative centres that is actively working on overcoming these barriers. The goal is to transform innovative ideas in the field of technology into value-added products and services by creating an entrepreneurial-friendly ecosystem. A series of support-programmes have been launched in the past years to develop the infrastructure and enable researchers and entrepreneurs to acquire new skills and get access to professional networks and funding opportunities.

Izmir NIC project

There are a lot of different initiatives dedicated to boost the innovation potential and the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the region. They are on the right path, but still at an early stage,” said Lorenzo Valeriani, Senior Expert at META Group. Lorenzo participated in the İzmir Network and Innovation Centre Project (İzmir NIC), which aimed to stimulate the development and commercialization of innovative solutions to meet the needs of users in an international context.

Funded through EUROPAID, the project aimed to improve early-stage start-ups investment readiness through:

  • Ecosystem building: increase the capacity of the ecosystem through training, networking, legal support, awareness raising and the creation of a partnership framework.
  • Technology framework: create a reliable and scalable technology infrastructure to allow the efficient delivery of Izmir NIC Hub services.

One of our main objectives was to equip local trainers with the necessary concepts and methodologies required when mentoring innovators working in very competitive and highly specialised fields. The trainers we have worked with had different backgrounds but were very engaged and eager to learn international best practices. If all the players in the ecosystem are involved and willing to work together, great results can be expected in the following years,” Lorenzo added.

Izmir training

Bringing innovation to the market

Laying the foundation of a strong ecosystem is a prerequisite for encouraging innovators to develop novel solutions. Another one is providing them with expert support in complementary areas that allow for their solutions to reach the market and generate impact.

In Izmir, this second phase is addresses by the D-TECH4ENT initiative. The aim of this project is to nurture promising disruptive ideas by providing deep-tech entrepreneurs with support for prototyping, validation, and demonstration in real world conditions, and allowing for wider deployment, scale-up and uptake.

The incubator serves as a “hatchery” for early-stage high risk deep-techs startups, with training programmes covering marketing, pitching, financing and management. After the trainings, the organizers will hold a match-making meeting in İzmir to bring together corporate companies, investors, and start-ups from the relevant ecosystem, and to increase their opportunities for cooperation. D-TECH4ENT expects to facilitate the development of 12 new and innovative products, as well as 6 national and 2 international patent applications.

Deep tech startups offer unique opportunities by developing impactful solutions to real life problems like climate change, healthcare, or access to green energy. In Europe, and according to the 2023 European Deep Tech report by Dealroom, European deep tech startups raised $17.7B in 2022, a 22% decrease from 2021. The four main categories in deep tech are novel AI, future of computing, novel energy, and space tech.

Initiatives like İzmir NIC and D-TECH4ENT enable deep tech innovators and entrepreneurs to build the next generation of category-defining businesses that will shape our societies. Contact our team to learn how META Group can support your organisation with similar support solutions.

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Polytechnic University of Turin: making a difference through the impact of research result Wed, 30 Nov 2022 08:00:01 +0000 Knowledge is dynamic and fast-growing, but there is still a gap across Europe when it comes to fostering its use to address societal challenges. “Unfortunately, the implementation of the third mission is not yet part of the DNA of most academic institutions. In many cases, universities don’t do much to promote the impact of the …

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Knowledge is dynamic and fast-growing, but there is still a gap across Europe when it comes to fostering its use to address societal challenges.

“Unfortunately, the implementation of the third mission is not yet part of the DNA of most academic institutions. In many cases, universities don’t do much to promote the impact of the work done by researchers and professors, and oftentimes research initiatives are following a trend rather than pursuing a mission“, says Andrea Di Anselmo, President of META Group.

This is not the case of the Polytechnic University of Turin, the oldest Italian public technical university. The institution was awarded by the European Commission with the “HR Excellence in Research”, a distinction that recognizes the commitment in ensuring a positive and attractive environment for researchers from all over the world. Research and education are pursued together with a deep cooperation with the socio-economic actors. This facilitates the knowledge transfer and leads to a tangible impact in the economic, societal and scientific sphere.

Making a difference through the impact of research result

At the University of Turin, META Group delivered a capacity building exercise for both the technical and administrative staff and the researchers. The aim of this pilot was to raise awareness on how to enable impact when implementing Horizon Europe projects. The focus was on how to create the context for maximising impact. This is becoming a critical aspect of research initiatives supported by Horizon Europe and also by other funding programs, such as Next Generation EU, etc.

META proposed a “pathway” that engaged side by side the staff of the EU research office and those involved in research activities. The exercise included a workshop for the university staff followed by a webinar for the researchers to analyse impact in Horizon Europe projects.

The programme also included an on-site writing lab on how to prepare a solid and competitive impact section in a EU-funded proposal. This last session was open to researchers and professionals from the technical staff and research office. This opportunity gave them the chance to improve the most critical aspects of the impact section in their current projects or applications.

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META Group Appoints New CEO and President Wed, 05 Oct 2022 07:00:08 +0000   We are pleased to announce the recent appointment of Alessia Melasecche Germini as the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of META Group. Aswell, Andrea Di Anselmo is the new President of the company. Alessia Melasecche succeeds the co-founder Luigi Amati. Alessia is an experienced executive who has been an integral part of the entrepreneurial journey of …

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We are pleased to announce the recent appointment of Alessia Melasecche Germini as the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of META Group. Aswell, Andrea Di Anselmo is the new President of the company.

Alessia Melasecche succeeds the co-founder Luigi Amati. Alessia is an experienced executive who has been an integral part of the entrepreneurial journey of the company. Luigi will continue to play a pivotal role in META Group’s future development as a board member.

Andrea Di Anselmo, co-founder, was appointed as the new President of META Group. Andrea has acted as Vice President since the company’s inception.

“As we move into an era of increasing innovation demand, it is great to see META Group still leading across Europe after 30 years since its foundation. It is even greater to see this happening while smoothly transitioning towards a new generation of leaders, full of energy, enthusiasm, and passion about the knowledge-to-market path,” says Luigi Amati.

From knowledge to market

This recent change also mirrors the evolution of the complex ecosystem in which META Group operates. The science community is constantly faced with the challenge of translating research results into societal impact. META Group bridges the gap between researchers, investment groups, corporates and policymakers. META Group provides expert support in building up knowledge-intensive startups and scaleups.

“This change comes as a natural stage in the organization’s evolution after reaching maturity, refining its strategy, and moving towards the next phase of growth. It also reflects META Group’s current focus on strengthening the company’s leadership position in maximizing the exploitation and impact of innovation.” – Alessia Melasecche Germini, CEO of META Group.

The other main shareholders of META Group will continue to be actively involved in the company’s activities. This includes, of course, the third co-founder Anna Amati and Francesca Natali.

Making Innovation Happen

META Group operates internationally in the field of creation and development of research-based companies to make the knowledge-to-market process effective and profitable. It provides advisory, strategy, training, and implementation services to governments & development agencies, public & private investors, research organizations, start-ups & entrepreneurs.

Having supported thousands of researchers, universities, and innovation players, META Group is the European pioneering leader in exploiting research results funded by the European Commission’s Framework Programs. For almost three decades, the company has helped innovators translate science concepts into concrete, impactful solutions while providing innovation policy expertise to EU institutions, governmental organisations, and consultancy/services/financial companies worldwide through three main pillars:

  • Advisory: Hundreds of international institutions and national and regional agencies supported through innovation and entrepreneurship policy and strategy services.
  • Academy: More than 15.000 R&D projects participants coached and tutored with proprietary formats on investor readiness and go-to-market.
  • Investment: Unique expertise in developing and implementing public/private equity financial instruments with a large portfolio of innovative companies and hundreds of millions of euros deployed in various funds in several European countries.

META Group appoints new CEO and president

About Alessia Melasecche Germini
Alessia Melasecche Germini is the CEO of META Group. She started as a junior expert in the company 20 years ago. From there, Alessia developed her career working across a variety of innovation services dedicated to increasing the impact of research. She holds strong operational and strategy capabilities coupled with a strong academic background and entrepreneurial skills. These skills made her the unanimous choice of the META Group shareholders to guide the new development phase of the company. Alessia has an academic background in Economics in Economy and Business, a PhD in Internationalization of SMEs. She is a former University Marketing Professor at the Faculty of Business of Perugia, Italy.

About Andrea Di Anselmo
Andrea Di Anselmo is co-founder and President of META Group. He is a seasoned international expert in innovation strategies, financial tools and support to knowledge-intensive enterprises, and exploitation of research results. Andrea has a background in civil engineering and research experience in materials science at the University of Storrs Connecticut (USA). He is member of the Board of Directors of different EU associations.

About Luigi Amati
Luigi Amati is co-founder and board member of META Group, President of META Ventures and President of Business Angels Europe, the Confederation of European Angel Investing. He graduated Summa cum Laude in Engineering from the University of Rome. Luigi also holds a Master of Science and a Diploma from Imperial College London. His career started as a researcher and software engineer in Computational Mechanics at LUSAS. This is a spin-off of Imperial College in London.

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Investment readiness and capacity-building support for the innovation ecosystem in Turkey Tue, 04 Oct 2022 07:00:58 +0000 META Group is providing training services to the IZMIR NIC Ecosystem Development Programme META delivered the first in person workshop for the IZMIR NIC Ecosystem Development Programme. It took place on 28th and 29th September in Izmir, Turkey. The Aegean Exporters Association hosted the training titled “Getting Companies Ready for Investment”. There, fifteen future trainers …

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META Group is providing training services to the IZMIR NIC Ecosystem Development Programme
META delivered the first in person workshop for the IZMIR NIC Ecosystem Development Programme. It took place on 28th and 29th September in Izmir, Turkey. The Aegean Exporters Association hosted the training titled “Getting Companies Ready for Investment”. There, fifteen future trainers received entrepreneurial support from the META Group experts Francesca Natali and Lorenzo Valeriani.

Within the participants there were professionals from chambers of commerce and industry, universities, technology park and other start-ups’ support organizations. The aim of the training session was to provide the beneficiaries with the skills, methodologies, and tools. They are needed to help start-ups in the region to increase their investment readiness capacity.

The attendants benefited from a two-day training by the META Group experts. Natali and Valeriani gave actionable insights into supporting high-growth innovative companies to raise funds. “It has been a privilege to meet local stakeholders. We shared with them our experience in dealing with and investing in high growth companies. Izmir’s environment for start-up support is very promising. Although there is room to support innovative entrepreneurship more effectively at local and regional level,” said Francesca Natali, senior expert at META Group.

Meta provided useful information on early-stage investors and how to approach them with a good pitch. Also, the experts used real case studies and presented investment readiness self-assessment tools.

Supporting the start-up ecosystem in the region

“High-growth companies are the engine of economic and social development, but to scale and succeed they need large amounts of money. That is why it is important to create a local ecosystem of actors ready and able to support start-ups in raising money from risk capital investors (VCs, BAs, etc.),” explained Lorenzo Valeriani, Senior Expert at META Group.

The İzmir Network and Innovation Centre (İzmir NIC) is a three-year project. It is carried out within the framework of the financial cooperation of the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. The Ministry of Industry and Technology in partnership with İzmir Institute of Technology (İYTE) and the Software Industrialists Association (YASAD) implemented the project.

The project’s purpose is to enhance the commercialisation and internationalisation of innovative products by fostering networks and strategic partnership among relevant stakeholders. Focusing on the renewable energy sector with information and communication technologies. They are among the pioneers of economic development. The project improves the capacity of ecosystem actors (SMEs, Start-ups, TTOs, TDZs, R&D Centres etc.) in İzmir, with training, consultancy, and networking activities.

Learn more about the program:

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ECO2Fuels: Paving the way for the first CO2 to e-fuel conversion system Tue, 13 Sep 2022 07:00:25 +0000 The fossil fuels used in the energy sector is responsible for about 75% of the current CO2 emissions. Few things have worse reputation than fossil fuels. This is because their intensive use in the energy sector is responsible for about 75% of the current CO2 emissions. As it is well known, this threatens to turn …

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The fossil fuels used in the energy sector is responsible for about 75% of the current CO2 emissions.

Few things have worse reputation than fossil fuels. This is because their intensive use in the energy sector is responsible for about 75% of the current CO2 emissions. As it is well known, this threatens to turn the planet into a climate hell.

But what if we could reverse the process and produce clean fuels and chemical products from the CO2 by polluting industries?

The ECO2Fuel project aims to change this paradigm by building the first CO2 to clean fuel conversion system worldwide. It involves designing, manufacturing, operating, validating, and bringing to the market a ground-breaking industrial process and technology.

Researchers expect the project results to convert 742 tons of CO2 per year into economical and sustainable liquid e-fuels (produced from renewable or decarbonised electricity) and chemicals.

Horizon2020 supports the five-year project. 15 international partners, from the chemical, energy, hydrogen, mechanical engineering and automotive industry, and several research institutions implemented the project.

ECO2Fuels: reaching the first CO2 to e-fuel conversion system

As the ECO2Fuel exploitation partner, META Group is adopting a demand-led (problem-driven) approach. The objective is to address the needs and problems of the potential adopters of ECO2Fuel’s results. This means selecting and validating potential users based on the unique value proposition. Another crucial part of the exploitation effort is identifying the necessary steps. This is not just to secure further funding, but also to reach the market once the project is completed.

The process involves tools tested in previous European projects, as well as during the delivery of services to SMEs and start-ups. It will use the “build, measure, learn” formula from the Lean Startup approach to involve stakeholders, finalise business plans and enable impact. META Group will also provide support to manage IP and ownership issues once the use model for each result is defined.

“META Group commits to employing its unique experience, paving the way for ECO2Fuel’s results to reach the market. Our approach assumes that the use of a result is at the base for generating an impact. The change and the benefit we are looking for”, said Antonello Fiorucci, EU Project Designer at META

Supporting technological innovation

Almost every industry in the world uses carbon in some form. It is an essential element in the production of fuels, electronics, and various materials and alloys. However, CO2 emissions related to fossil fuels are a global concern driving political, scientific and societal efforts to decarbonise the economy.

CO2 emissions from energy use are a major contributor to climate change and account for approximately 75% of all man-made greenhouse gas emissions in the EU, according to Eurostat. Climatic conditions (cold/long winter or hot summer), economic growth, population size, transport and industrial activities are some of the factors influencing emissions.

Supporting innovation and technologies that enable decarbonisation is one of the main ways to achieve the climate and emissions reduction goals across the economy.

Learn more about ECO2fuel:

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Incubatore Creativo Istria: 1st acceleration programme concluded Thu, 21 Jul 2022 07:00:18 +0000 The participants received training from the META experts to develop their innovative business projects. The first edition of Incubatore Creativo Istria acceleration programme came to a close on 13 July in Portoroz, Slovenia, bringing together young entrepreneurs, partners, local media and public authorities. Two groups of young entrepreneurs presented the business projects that they had …

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The participants received training from the META experts to develop their innovative business projects.

The first edition of Incubatore Creativo Istria acceleration programme came to a close on 13 July in Portoroz, Slovenia, bringing together young entrepreneurs, partners, local media and public authorities.

Two groups of young entrepreneurs presented the business projects that they had developed during the seven-week incubator with the help of META experts Lorenzo Valeriani and Francesca Natali.

From Jellyfish to Real Estate

Jellyfish may seem nothing more than a nuisance for beachgoers, but their massive growth over the past two decades is, in fact, an increasing environmental and economic threat. Their rapid proliferation has been attributed to warming seas, overfishing and increased pollution.

One of the initiatives developed within the Istria Incubator may serve as a solution with both economic and environmental benefits. The Jellynovation projectaims to develop a process for extracting collagen from jellyfish in order to create natural food supplements, while controlling jellyfish populations and preserving marine wildlife.

We have already talked to several consultants in this field to find funding for research and development and then we will see if we can find more capital to invest in production, so in four years we will see about making the first sale“, said Dyego Tuljak, who launched Jellynovation with his colleague Alex Zigante.

Incubatore Creativo Istria

The second business idea developed in the Istria Incubator tackles a challenge that became obvious during the pandemic. 2you is a start-up project that will provide virtual solutions and immersive experiences to people looking to sell or buy apartments and properties remotely.

“We thought that during the Covid period it was not possible to go and see the flats, so we thought that we could bring the flats to the people“, explained Jaka Mrak, who created 2you together with his partner Izidor Rojs.

Going further, META and the Incubatore Creativo Istria will continue to support the two teams by providing a free-of-charge working space for both groups until the end of the year and identifying funding opportunities.

Both teams made an incredible progress since the start of the programme. We strongly believe these projects have great potential because they address problems that have a considerable impact in their specific fields“, explained Lorenzo Valeriani from META. “This is a newly born accelerator and the first initiative in the region, and we are very happy to be part of the process of growing the entrepreneurial ecosystem“, he added.

By joining this initiative, META continues its mission of providing entrepreneurs with the vision, know-how, and tools to transform their ideas in viable businesses with a positive societal impact.


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Assessing the innovation potential of sustainable projects for the Mediterranean area Tue, 28 Jun 2022 07:00:47 +0000 PRIMA is developing much-needed solutions to tackle this situation. Environmental and social changes are sadly affecting the Mediterranean agricultural sector. These systems have suffered in recent years from severe water shortages and declining crop yields. Indeed, the Mediterranean is “water-poor” compared to other equally populated regions of the world. When this lack of clean water …

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PRIMA is developing much-needed solutions to tackle this situation. Environmental and social changes are sadly affecting the Mediterranean agricultural sector.

These systems have suffered in recent years from severe water shortages and declining crop yields. Indeed, the Mediterranean is “water-poor” compared to other equally populated regions of the world. When this lack of clean water is coupled with a lack of nutritious food, this has adverse effects on the population’s health and stability. These complex challenges can only be addressed by engaging in research and then applying innovative solutions.

The Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (PRIMA) is developing much-needed solutions to tackle this situation. This programme is a ten-year initiative (from 2018 to 2028), launched by the European Union and 19 Euro-Mediterranean countries. They aim to face the challenges posed by climate change. It was founded through Horizon 2020. The idea is to develop and implement efficient and sustainable solutions for the production and supply of food and water in the Mediterranean.

This year, META is contributing to this mission via its advisory services. This enables PRIMA to move closer to its goal by setting the innovation potential of a selection of funded projects. Technical assistance of this nature will allow PRIMA to identify the most promising funded projects. Also, they will assess their needs to maximise the impact of these innovations.

Setting the potential of 3 key areas

Since 2018, PRIMA Foundation has spent a total of €225M, with more than 1570 beneficiaries and 168 projects funded. Agriculture accounts for 42% of its activities. The agri-food value chains committees for 26%. While a quarter of their projects focus on water management.

Farming Systems: PRIMA’s main activity refers to sustainable farming systems under Mediterranean environmental constraints. There is an urgent need to improve the productivity, efficiency, and sustainability of agricultural farming systems. This is due to the scarcity of resources, demographic growth, contamination, and desertification. Thus, PRIMA expects to provide high-added value products and to increase the products’ shelf-life.

Agri-food value chain: Over-dependence on international markets can have an impact on local produce and regional markets. Supplying sustainable food regularly and highlighting the relevance of a healthy Mediterranean diet could make local products more competitive.

Water management: more than 180 people suffer from water shortages in the countries of the Mediterranean basin. This area aims to secure the availability of water, as well as to improve its management by developing innovative and efficient solutions.

For some time now, scientists have been sounding the alarm bells on climate change, among other things, droughts have become more frequent and there is no life without water. The Mediterranean areas has already experienced a warming of 1.5°C, exceeding the global average which is 1.1°C. Thus, sustainable and stable practices such as agricultural conservation to improve soil quality, or the development of low-cost water-saving technologies will be crucial to advance in this transformation.

If you are part of the industry, whether an institution or a researcher, and want to join PRIMA’s community, get in touch with them! Find more information about the thematic areas and how to get involved here.

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From solid exploitation plans to a real market uptake in re-MODULEES Tue, 28 Jun 2022 07:00:04 +0000 With flexible building renovation shared solution, re-MODULEES aims to create an EU framework  to support energy efficiency and clean solutions. It provides integrated modular renovation services to encourage large scale renovation of existing residential buildings, but also to foster the use of renewable energies. The overall aim of re-MODULEES is the creation of the EU-wide …

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With flexible building renovation shared solution, re-MODULEES aims to create an EU framework  to support energy efficiency and clean solutions.

It provides integrated modular renovation services to encourage large scale renovation of existing residential buildings, but also to foster the use of renewable energies. The overall aim of re-MODULEES is the creation of the EU-wide retrofit market activation framework. Specially, it is focused in the residential building sector.

“The aim is to make deep renovations easier, faster and more attractive to foster the market uptake of the re-MODULEES solutions,” explained Maddalena Lukasik from META, the Exploitation Leading Partner.

From solid exploitation plans to a real market

META is responsible for ensuring the market uptake, supporting the go-to-market process and the executing the successful exploitation of the re-MODULEES innovative solutions. META recently held a Lean Canvas workshop for re-MODULEES. This workshop helped the participants to examine the project’s outputs through a new lens. They could see how best to deliver the solutions to market.

META joined the other 15 project partners in Nice on 14-15 June for the 4th Consortium Meeting. They aimed to discuss the progress of the activities, the next steps and to ensure the achievement of the expected impacts.

From solid exploitation plans to a real market uptake in re-MODULEES

What is more, re-LABs supported the project in markets: Netherlands, Italy, Spain, France, Greece, Bulgaria, and Slovenia. The re-LABs have a pivotal role in forming sustainable networks to support the local ecosystem. The intention of the pilot markets is to evaluate the model’s usability in shaping the market for building renovation.

Finally, META stresses the importance of understanding the customers’ needs when developing an innovative solution. Innovators must focus on the actual problems to develop real solutions. In the case of re-MODULEES, they must develop a sustainable base of re-MODULEES results for a dynamic market uptake.

Find out more about the production of re-MODULEES in this video or visit their website.

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Go-To-Market Toolkit Tue, 28 Jun 2022 07:00:01 +0000 Discover how to drive project results to the market and maximise their impact. META and APRE (Agency for the Promotion of the European Research), in the framework of the AAL2Business Support Action, have created the toolkit. It includes all relevant topics, suggestions, issues and advice to ensure that innovations developed under the EU-funded AAL programme …

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Discover how to drive project results to the market and maximise their impact.

META and APRE (Agency for the Promotion of the European Research), in the framework of the AAL2Business Support Action, have created the toolkit. It includes all relevant topics, suggestions, issues and advice to ensure that innovations developed under the EU-funded AAL programme can be impactful and commercially successful.

AAL is a European funding programme that aims to create better quality of life for older people. Another objective is to strengthen industrial opportunities in the field of healthy ageing technology and innovation. They fund projects that work towards creating market-ready products and services for older people.

META and APRE deliver the AAL2Business services. It helps innovations for older people funded through AAL to reach the market and deliver impactful results.

The Business Toolkit is the latest in a series of resources that META and APRE have delivered to AAL beneficiaries.

Go-To-Market Toolkit contains:

  • Information on the importance of characterising Key Results, a crucial step to collecting features and providing inputs for dissemination purposes
  • Develop a Business Planning to create impact, identify sources of revenue and more using the Lean Canvas. Describe how “value” can be extracted from an exploitable R&D result and generate impact.
  • Pitching Guidelines which will help innovators to be more effective when presenting the business value proposition and to capture the attention of different investors.
  • Introduction to the different types of crowdfunding, a method of raising money to finance projects or businesses, often used by growing companies as a way to access alternative funds.
  • Links to all the AAL2Business webinars and access to other useful tools.

You can download AAL2 Business Toolkit here.

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Una nuova exit per il fondo Ingenium Sardegna: Mondial Capsule Fri, 06 May 2022 07:00:50 +0000 Ingenium Sardegna perfeziona l’exit dalla compagine sociale di Mondial Capsule. (English below) Il fondo di coinvestimento pubblico privato co finanziato dalla Regione Sardegna, dopo aver contribuito alla crescita dell’azienda, perfeziona l’exit dalla compagine sociale di Mondial Capsule, società italiana specializzata nella produzione di una vasta gamma di capsule per vini. Ingenium aveva investito nell’azienda nel …

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Ingenium Sardegna perfeziona l’exit dalla compagine sociale di Mondial Capsule.

(English below)

Il fondo di coinvestimento pubblico privato co finanziato dalla Regione Sardegna, dopo aver contribuito alla crescita dell’azienda, perfeziona l’exit dalla compagine sociale di Mondial Capsule, società italiana specializzata nella produzione di una vasta gamma di capsule per vini. Ingenium aveva investito nell’azienda nel 2014.

Da diversi anni Mondial Capsule ha intrapreso un percorso di sviluppo sostenibile, sostenuto e promosso anche grazie all’investimento del Fondo Ingenium che ha contribuito alla costruzione di nuovi impianti di produzione di energia rinnovabile, l’efficientamento delle linee di produzione e la riduzione del consumo di combustibile fossile in Sardegna.

Nuova exit per il fondo Ingenium Sardegna

“La Società ha in questi anni puntato sulle attività di ricerca e sviluppo di nuove tecniche e nuove tecnologie, che le ha consentito di diventare uno dei player principali di mercato, offrendo ai propri clienti una gamma di soluzioni uniche”, dichiara Francesca Natali, consigliere dell’azienda: “Le risorse investite dal Fondo Ingenium hanno avuto un ruolo molto importante anche e soprattutto in questi anni ultimi difficili anni in cui il mercato ha richiesto interventi straordinari”.

META Ventures (MV) è un gestore di fondi a livello internazionale specializzato in investimenti early-stage in società innovative e ad alta crescita. Con oltre 20 anni di esperienza, MV ha investito in più di 100 società in Italia, Polonia, Slovenia e Belgio e vanta una gamma unica di partenariati pubblico-privato tra incubatori e acceleratori di imprese, club di business angel, imprese, autorità di sviluppo regionale, governi nazionali e istituzioni dell’UE.

A new exit for the Ingenium Sardegna fund: Mondial Capsule

The public-private co-investment fund is co-financed by the Region of Sardinia.  After contributing to the company’s growth, it finalizes the exit from the shareholding structure of Mondial Capsule (MC). MC is an Italian company specializing in the production of a wide range of wine capsules. Ingenium had invested in the company in 2014.

For several years Mondial Capsule has been on a path of sustainable development. MC supported and promoted thanks to the investment of the Ingenium Fund. This has contributed to the construction of new renewable energy plants. Also MC helped the efficiency of production lines, and the reduction of fossil fuel consumption in Sardinia.

“In recent years, the company has focused on research and development of new techniques and new technologies. This has enabled it to become one of the leading players in the market, offering its clients a range of unique solutions.” Francesca Natali says , a board member of the company. “The resources invested by the Ingenium Fund have played a very important role especially in these recent difficult years. When the market has required extraordinary interventions.”

META Ventures (MV) is an international fund manager specializing in early-stage investments in innovative, high-growth companies. It counts with more than 20 years of experience. MV has invested in more than 100 companies in Italy, Poland, Slovenia and Belgium. It has a unique range of public-private partnerships between business incubators and accelerators, among others.

The post Una nuova exit per il fondo Ingenium Sardegna: Mondial Capsule appeared first on META Group.
