Startups Archives - META Group Knowledge to Market Mon, 16 Oct 2023 13:46:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Startups Archives - META Group 32 32 4 free workshops to maximize the impact of your startup Mon, 16 Oct 2023 10:12:35 +0000 Looking for investment is never easy. However, it can become increasingly difficult when we’re a startup. If you are an emerging entrepreneur or part of a new startup and you are willing to raise capital for your initiative, keep reading. The EU-funded RAISE project, in collaboration with META Group, has organized a series of workshops …

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Looking for investment is never easy. However, it can become increasingly difficult when we’re a startup. If you are an emerging entrepreneur or part of a new startup and you are willing to raise capital for your initiative, keep reading. The EU-funded RAISE project, in collaboration with META Group, has organized a series of workshops free of charge dedicated to improving your skillset. Starting from October 18th and until December 5th, we will cover a wide range of aspects that will help you to maximize the impact of your business.

  • The Lean Canvas – 18th October. One of the main failure for early-stage startups is that there is no market needs towards the products/services they are developing. Thus to avoid to fall into this statistic, it is important early-stage startups explore the Lean Canvas as a strategic planning tool. 
  • The Unique Value Proposition Canvas – 6th November. The first goal in adopting the Lean Canvas is to reach the Problem-solution fit which is basically when a startup is developing a solution for a specific need(s) for the customers. In order to reach this goal, startups need to use the UVP as a strategic tool. 
  • Approaching risk capital investors – 21st November. High-growth early stage startups need money to scale and boost their activities. It is important that the founders understand which are the kind of investors in the market and which is the best way to approach them. 
  • How to master your pitch – 5th December. The first approach to investors is the key to increase the odds to get the funds. Thus, preparing a great pitch is crucial to achieve this first step.

A problem oriented approach

This Business Partnership Action consists of four 90-minute online workshops, each including both theoretical and practical aspects. It also offers the participants the opportunity to connect with fellow entrepreneurs, exchange best practices, ideas and perspectives, and leverage lessons learned from their journey. 

The workshops will be guided by META Group’s senior expert and coach, Lorenzo Valeriani. He has an educational background in Technology management from Unicusano University and in quantitative finance from the University of Rome Tor Vergata. Lorenzo has been part of META Group since 2016. Over the years, he focused in the financial domain, particularly within META Ventures, where he worked as analyst on supportingportfolio startups across Italy. Lorenzo continues to work closely with early-stage startups, aiming to provide them with the expertise and tools necessary to secure crucial financial backing to boost their fast growth. He combines these activities with his involvement in several EU projects. 

Regarding the value that the participants will find in these workshops, Lorenzo said: “We’re trying to orient them to tackle a concrete problem. Giving to the founders, in a seed phase, a problem oriented approach will help them to have a higher chance of success. In our experience, having the right strategic mindset plays a crucial role in increasing the survival rate of early-stage startups. This is exactly what we are looking to transmit during the first two workshops. By provinding the participants with this toolkit, startups will follow a strategy which can stick better to the target customers.  

A workshop to help you navigate the ecosystem of investment 

When asked about the appointments on 21st November and 5th December, Lorenzo explained that “the last two are more focused on how to present the project to the investors and to navigate in the ecosystem of investment. Fast growing startups need money to rapidly scale and thus it is important for them to immediately look around and understand how the risk capital industry works” 

This initiative is open to start-up founders and representatives who are looking to enhance their understanding of business partnerships actions. If it resonates with you and want to improve your chances of finding investors for your company, click here and register now 

The Region Alliance for Interconnected Startup Ecosystems – RAISE – project aims at developing a new and sustainable integrated support framework to foster startup growth and scale-up across Europe. It targets companies that have already achieved first results, possibly supported by regional programmes and are now aiming to grow. In this framework, the project partners are required to implement several pilot actions, among which there are training, mentoring, and networking sessions which will help startup promoters to get in contact with the appropriate mentors and trainers who can help them gain access to their target markets. 


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Lorenzo Valeriani: It’s essential to grasp that there’s not just one path to achieve your goals Wed, 06 Sep 2023 07:00:25 +0000 In this interview series, we’re excited to introduce you to the people behind the scenes at META Group. Meet Lorenzo Valeriani, who has been a part of the organization since his internship in 2016 and has carved out a career as a project manager and startup coach. Outside of work, Lorenzo has a passion for …

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In this interview series, we’re excited to introduce you to the people behind the scenes at META Group. Meet Lorenzo Valeriani, who has been a part of the organization since his internship in 2016 and has carved out a career as a project manager and startup coach.

Outside of work, Lorenzo has a passion for football and vintage video games. His educational background includes MBA program at the University of Perugia and an specialization in quantitative finance at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. Lorenzo also spent six months at SRH Hochschule in Berlin, thanks to the Erasmus program.

How has been your path at META Group?
Initially, I began as an intern for six months, and eventually transitioned to a full-time employee. My initial role involved providing support for tasks related to the development of the company’s Intranet system. However, my responsibilities shifted towards the financial branch of the company, particularly focusing on META Ventures. I worked on the management of the startups and the portfolio companies within Italy. My focus was on supporting the different investment managers monitoring the startups. I continued this task for two years before becoming involved in a diverse range of projects across META Group.

However, my connection with the financial and funding aspects of the company remains strong. I continue to collaborate with funds and startups, particularly with an educational perspective in mind. Our goal is to support business initiatives seeking funding and provide them with the necessary tools and expertise to secure financial backing.

What do you do on a typical work day?
Typically, I handle one or two projects simultaneously, although it can vary depending on the period. My process begins by thoroughly reviewing all the tasks associated with each project and assessing their current status. The approach differs significantly depending on whether we’re acting as coordinators or not.

When we’re in a coordinating role, our responsibilities include continuous monitoring of all the partners involved. This often entails designing programs, which can be quite demanding. During project delivery phases, I’m responsible for organizing the execution process. Additionally, I frequently conduct one-on-one sessions, workshops, and project-related activities. After the projects are successfully completed, there’s a phase dedicated to reporting and evaluation.

Which projects are you currently involved in?
The main so far is Circular Invest where we are technical coordinator. It’s a matter of coordinating and monitoring other partner’s activities. Circular Invest is a project development assistant initiative. It is run under the umbrella of CCRI (Circular Cities and Regions Initiative). Circular Invest aims to support circular economy related projects in being more investors ready and closing the funding gap that they need. Now we are in the initial phase, meaning that in the past months we have worked on the design of the structure of this assistance. Our IT team at META Group has developed the platform, for example. In the meanwhile, we have opened a call for applications and right now we’re in the evaluation phase of the candidatures. From October, the deliver of the services will take place and we as META Group will coordinate the experts.

Another initiative that we have closed recently was the pitch academy that we run together with Business Angels Europe dedicated to Horizon Results Booster’s beneficiaries. These beneficiaries were selected by the European Commission to pitch their projects to a group of business angels, with a focus on technologies aimed at combatting cancer and addressing climate change. We conducted both one-on-one sessions and group workshops to enhance their pitching skills, and we were pleased to receive highly positive feedback from the participants.

Which is the most challenging part of your job?
The most challenging part is a matter always of flexibility. Being flexible is crucial for achieving all the objectives laid out in the project’s proposal. If you’re not open-minded enough to find the right path and to approach different perspectives, you’re not going to succeed. I believe that behind this flexibility, there’s a definite sense of curiosity, a willingness to keep an eye on developments in the field. If you’re not aware of what’s going on in the ecosystem, you’re not getting enough resources and you’re not able to realize how others are succeeding. So, it’s essential to grasp that there’s not just one path to your goals. Staying updated and discovering new methods of doing things is key.

What do you like the most about it?
I’d say freedom, meaning you’re not follow a scheme. Even when you have to work within a framework, there’s ample opportunity to discover innovative approaches to achieve your objectives. Also, I like seeing the impact that our efforts have on society or on specific goals set by the Commission.

What are some trends that you identify in your field?
In the field of training, it’s no longer just about providing content and teaching valuable skills. The competition is fierce, and those seeking training also expect connections through networking, guidance on achieving their goals, and practical advice. To be successful, you must address these aspects. This approach increases the likelihood of having satisfied startups who will speak highly of your training and recommend it to others. Therefore, nowadays is very important to be able to offer an external positive network effect and we always try to include it in our training services.

Could you share with us a nice METAmemory?
During my internship, or shortly afterward—I can’t recall the exact timing—in my first year at META Group, I was working closely with Anna Amati, one of my first mentors here. She assigned me to attend a conference in Southern Italy. I felt quite nervous because I was relatively new to the field. However, Anna reassured me, saying I only needed to share a few insights about our company’s experiences.

As I was talking with the event moderator just before it began, they unexpectedly introduced entirely different questions and topics for discussion that I hadn’t prepared for. It was a pretty stressful and tough moment. However, now I can smile about it and appreciate it as a valuable opportunity for personal and professional growth.

Check out other interviews with Anita Tregner, Lorenzo BarabaniMarco Franchin or Frédérique Pannier.

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Pitch Clinic: Helping Researchers and Innovators Accelerate Their Entrepreneurial Journey Tue, 06 Jun 2023 07:00:22 +0000 The Pitch Clinic is a workshop that will help you master the pitch that every risk capital investor wants to hear. The registrations are now open for a new edition of the Pitch Clinic, a support service dedicated to helping entrepreneurial research teams accelerate the process of funding. The Pitch Clinic workshop is designed for early-stage knowledge-intensive startups looking for …

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The Pitch Clinic is a workshop that will help you master the pitch that every risk capital investor wants to hear. The registrations are now open for a new edition of the Pitch Clinic, a support service dedicated to helping entrepreneurial research teams accelerate the process of funding.

The Pitch Clinic workshop is designed for early-stage knowledge-intensive startups looking for risk-capital investors. It covers key aspects such as sources of funding, approaching investors, and creating an appropriate pitch tailored to specific situations. The participants will have access to learning resources, including a hands-on session to present their pitch live in front of other startups and receive personalized feedback.

We want to unburden entrepreneurial researchers and innovators from the daunting trial and error process of designing and presenting the right pitch. The Pitch Clinic provides not just a set of tools and a proven framework but also the opportunity to develop and practice an effective pitch together with experts and peers in a real-life context,” said Lorenzo Valeriani, Senior Expert at META Group and one of the trainers

Learn how to build a successful pitch deck

Drafting a successful pitch deck to raise funds can take 23 months with an average of 32 iterations. Many entrepreneurs spend up to 18 months struggling to develop an effective pitch and looking for potential investors, which leads to high opportunity costs. 

The experience on workshop was very positive. We received objective replies from experts but also from other CEOs from SMEs like us, that provide us their realistic and objective impression on the pitch. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the pitch definitely help us to improve our deck. It is quite clear the importance to succeed in raising private investment to have an appealing but sustained deck,” said Dr. Carmen Plasencia, CEO and co-founder of AROMICS,  a biotech company specialised in functional genomics and proteomics technologies.

By joining the workshop, founders will be able to design or improve their existent pitch deck during an intensive 3,5-hour session. The program is based on META Groups’ 20 years of experience in coaching researchers and entrepreneurs, investing in early-stage startups, and helping innovators raise over €233M for their businesses.

Learn more and join the Pitch Clinic here:

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Tips For Successful Financing Wed, 25 Jan 2023 08:00:37 +0000 Even the most successful and innovative businesses are faced at the beginning of their journey with a major hurdle: funding. No matter the stage your start-up is in, understanding the financing process and having access to right tools and skills will help you and your team secure the funds you need to develop your company …

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Even the most successful and innovative businesses are faced at the beginning of their journey with a major hurdle: funding.

No matter the stage your start-up is in, understanding the financing process and having access to right tools and skills will help you and your team secure the funds you need to develop your company further.

There are a few general principles that all startups should keep in mind when raising capital. Here are some of them, based on our experience of assisting innovators and investors alike.

#1 Plan Well

When raising funds, you should not only think about how you are going to spend the money. The results you want to achieve, the road map, and the next rounds of funding are equally important when looking for capital. Start looking for financing options before running out of funds because it can take as long as six to nine months to finalize the fundraising process.

#2 Ensure your start is fundable

There are industry standards for startups at each stage of development. Investors won’t provide funding unless you meet them. Check your progress cap table, traction, and team composition before you start your fundraising process. This is very important, otherwise you will lose the most important resource you have, your time.

#3 Gear up for it

You should be fully armed before you kick off your fundraising process. Prepare all the necessary documents. Do some research on the potential investors and make up your mind on how the deal should look like.

#4 Have an exit plan

Show you know the rules of the game. Investors invest to exit. They are looking for profitable exit options in the shortest possible time. Show them an appealing and reasonable exit option to increase your chances of being financed.

#5 Build a compelling pitch

Having a good pitch is essential no matter who you talk with. Whether you need to attract new partners, convince investors or write a winning grant, you must adapt your message to convey a powerful story that speaks to both organisations and individuals. Make sure they understand how big the problem you are solving is. Create urgency and FOMO. Be clear, share your vision and keep your energy high because this will show how passionate you are about the project. Note that some doors will only open once.

Not sure how to create a successful pitch? Take a look at this article: Pitching: From research to business proposition

Need personalized support with your startup financing? Get in touch with our experts.

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Investment readiness and capacity-building support for the innovation ecosystem in Turkey Tue, 04 Oct 2022 07:00:58 +0000 META Group is providing training services to the IZMIR NIC Ecosystem Development Programme META delivered the first in person workshop for the IZMIR NIC Ecosystem Development Programme. It took place on 28th and 29th September in Izmir, Turkey. The Aegean Exporters Association hosted the training titled “Getting Companies Ready for Investment”. There, fifteen future trainers …

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META Group is providing training services to the IZMIR NIC Ecosystem Development Programme
META delivered the first in person workshop for the IZMIR NIC Ecosystem Development Programme. It took place on 28th and 29th September in Izmir, Turkey. The Aegean Exporters Association hosted the training titled “Getting Companies Ready for Investment”. There, fifteen future trainers received entrepreneurial support from the META Group experts Francesca Natali and Lorenzo Valeriani.

Within the participants there were professionals from chambers of commerce and industry, universities, technology park and other start-ups’ support organizations. The aim of the training session was to provide the beneficiaries with the skills, methodologies, and tools. They are needed to help start-ups in the region to increase their investment readiness capacity.

The attendants benefited from a two-day training by the META Group experts. Natali and Valeriani gave actionable insights into supporting high-growth innovative companies to raise funds. “It has been a privilege to meet local stakeholders. We shared with them our experience in dealing with and investing in high growth companies. Izmir’s environment for start-up support is very promising. Although there is room to support innovative entrepreneurship more effectively at local and regional level,” said Francesca Natali, senior expert at META Group.

Meta provided useful information on early-stage investors and how to approach them with a good pitch. Also, the experts used real case studies and presented investment readiness self-assessment tools.

Supporting the start-up ecosystem in the region

“High-growth companies are the engine of economic and social development, but to scale and succeed they need large amounts of money. That is why it is important to create a local ecosystem of actors ready and able to support start-ups in raising money from risk capital investors (VCs, BAs, etc.),” explained Lorenzo Valeriani, Senior Expert at META Group.

The İzmir Network and Innovation Centre (İzmir NIC) is a three-year project. It is carried out within the framework of the financial cooperation of the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. The Ministry of Industry and Technology in partnership with İzmir Institute of Technology (İYTE) and the Software Industrialists Association (YASAD) implemented the project.

The project’s purpose is to enhance the commercialisation and internationalisation of innovative products by fostering networks and strategic partnership among relevant stakeholders. Focusing on the renewable energy sector with information and communication technologies. They are among the pioneers of economic development. The project improves the capacity of ecosystem actors (SMEs, Start-ups, TTOs, TDZs, R&D Centres etc.) in İzmir, with training, consultancy, and networking activities.

Learn more about the program:

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Pitching: from research to business proposition Fri, 30 Sep 2022 07:00:46 +0000 Learning how to properly pitch is one of the most essential skills a founder needs to develop. That’s because when it comes to presenting your idea, you only have one shot to convince an investor. Looking for funding or business partners is a crucial step when bringing innovation to the market. However, in today’s competitive …

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Learning how to properly pitch is one of the most essential skills a founder needs to develop. That’s because when it comes to presenting your idea, you only have one shot to convince an investor.

Looking for funding or business partners is a crucial step when bringing innovation to the market. However, in today’s competitive business world, it can be difficult to reach the right people and organisations. Not to mention the difficulty to get their attention, and persuade them into supporting your project.

Learning how to properly pitch is one of the most essential skills a founder needs to develop. That’s because when it comes to presenting your idea, you only have one shot to convince an investor. To make sure you don’t waste it, the ideal pitch must contain all the essential information in a brief and compelling format. This can be challenging for knowledge intensive start-ups. Or even for teams lead by researchers who have to keep things simple for non-science people.

Pitching: from research to business proposition
At META Group, we have analyzed thousands of pre-seed pitch decks. We discovered not only the most efficient template for the deck, but also how to successfully tell your story to attract interest from investors. Remember: the goal is to tell your story clearly and succinctly. And doing it in a way that makes investors want to hear more and come back to you.

This article will provide you with guidelines on how to develop a 3–4-minute pitch. It will offer you hints for the content that you should include in your talk, with instructions on presentation styles, body language and PowerPoint guidelines. It will guide you through the art of keeping it simple and moving from a research project to a business proposition.

The Problem

The first thing to do when pitching is to directly present the problem and how the customer is experiencing it. This will allow you to quickly explain why your solution is needed and who your customers are. In a matter of 15-20 seconds, you will have set the stage for your solution.

The Solution

The next step after describing the problem is explaining how you are going to solve it, so introduce the solution and its features.

The Value Proposition

An essential element of the pitch is explaining the value proposition: why your solution is unique compared to other solutions.

The “Unfair Advantage”

It is now the time to explain how far you are in the process of developing the solution and how you and your partners are going to bring the product to market. Explain the current state of the solution, as well as the professional skills and experience of your team. It is important to show who you are. Which competences you have and especially. How you and your partners complement each other in day-to-day operational activities. You could have the solution for any problem. However, if people are not convinced that you are the right people to bring it to the market, it will not matter.

The Business Model

The next thing to highlight is how you intend to generate revenue with your solution: the business model. A good way to reinforce your speech, is to make a simple graphical illustration of your Business Model as shown below:

Business model infographic

Next, the financial plan of the business proposition is the connection between costs and revenues. Develop revenue estimations for 12, 24, and 32 months and connect them to the costs you expect to incur in the same periods. In this way, you will demonstrate that you have a profound understanding of the back-end of your business, with revenues in the front-end.

Minimum Viable Product

One of the best ways to get your message through is by showing a prototype or presenting a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) – the simplest version of your product or service with just enough features to validate your value proposition.

Finally, explain what you want to achieve with this launch, and include a strong closing statement.

Other effective tips
With these guidelines in mind, you should be able to design a presentation that covers the most important elements. But there is more to a pitch than just content: body language and presentation style are also important.

Body language. Some people use their arms wildly, others walk around the stage or room, and some just stand still. This is all up to you. However, the more you rehearse and practice your pitch, the more likely is to feel less nervous and for your body language to be more natural. Try to balance your tone, speak clearly, and look the audience in the eyes.

Presentation style. Consider your personality type when presenting and try to take advantage of certain traits: energetic, funny, welcoming, professional, or something completely different. You need to have something that separates you from the rest and makes you memorable.

When it comes to the slide presentation, keep in mind that the audience is there to listen to you, not to read the text from the slides. Add some key bullet points to summarise the most important aspects of the presentation and combine them with good illustrative images. The slides’ role is to spark curiosity and help the audience visualize and understand key elements of the presentation. Not for you to remember the speech.

Pitching from research to market

Last but not least, find a way to present your research in a simple and understandable way. Avoid technical jargon and focus on the impact of the solution rather than the process. You may think that all the essential parts will be left out but remember that the pitch is about grabbing the attention of your audience.

Interested in learning more about pitching or receiving tailored support for your research-to-market journey? Contact our team.

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Una nuova exit per il fondo Ingenium Sardegna: Mondial Capsule Fri, 06 May 2022 07:00:50 +0000 Ingenium Sardegna perfeziona l’exit dalla compagine sociale di Mondial Capsule. (English below) Il fondo di coinvestimento pubblico privato co finanziato dalla Regione Sardegna, dopo aver contribuito alla crescita dell’azienda, perfeziona l’exit dalla compagine sociale di Mondial Capsule, società italiana specializzata nella produzione di una vasta gamma di capsule per vini. Ingenium aveva investito nell’azienda nel …

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Ingenium Sardegna perfeziona l’exit dalla compagine sociale di Mondial Capsule.

(English below)

Il fondo di coinvestimento pubblico privato co finanziato dalla Regione Sardegna, dopo aver contribuito alla crescita dell’azienda, perfeziona l’exit dalla compagine sociale di Mondial Capsule, società italiana specializzata nella produzione di una vasta gamma di capsule per vini. Ingenium aveva investito nell’azienda nel 2014.

Da diversi anni Mondial Capsule ha intrapreso un percorso di sviluppo sostenibile, sostenuto e promosso anche grazie all’investimento del Fondo Ingenium che ha contribuito alla costruzione di nuovi impianti di produzione di energia rinnovabile, l’efficientamento delle linee di produzione e la riduzione del consumo di combustibile fossile in Sardegna.

Nuova exit per il fondo Ingenium Sardegna

“La Società ha in questi anni puntato sulle attività di ricerca e sviluppo di nuove tecniche e nuove tecnologie, che le ha consentito di diventare uno dei player principali di mercato, offrendo ai propri clienti una gamma di soluzioni uniche”, dichiara Francesca Natali, consigliere dell’azienda: “Le risorse investite dal Fondo Ingenium hanno avuto un ruolo molto importante anche e soprattutto in questi anni ultimi difficili anni in cui il mercato ha richiesto interventi straordinari”.

META Ventures (MV) è un gestore di fondi a livello internazionale specializzato in investimenti early-stage in società innovative e ad alta crescita. Con oltre 20 anni di esperienza, MV ha investito in più di 100 società in Italia, Polonia, Slovenia e Belgio e vanta una gamma unica di partenariati pubblico-privato tra incubatori e acceleratori di imprese, club di business angel, imprese, autorità di sviluppo regionale, governi nazionali e istituzioni dell’UE.

A new exit for the Ingenium Sardegna fund: Mondial Capsule

The public-private co-investment fund is co-financed by the Region of Sardinia.  After contributing to the company’s growth, it finalizes the exit from the shareholding structure of Mondial Capsule (MC). MC is an Italian company specializing in the production of a wide range of wine capsules. Ingenium had invested in the company in 2014.

For several years Mondial Capsule has been on a path of sustainable development. MC supported and promoted thanks to the investment of the Ingenium Fund. This has contributed to the construction of new renewable energy plants. Also MC helped the efficiency of production lines, and the reduction of fossil fuel consumption in Sardinia.

“In recent years, the company has focused on research and development of new techniques and new technologies. This has enabled it to become one of the leading players in the market, offering its clients a range of unique solutions.” Francesca Natali says , a board member of the company. “The resources invested by the Ingenium Fund have played a very important role especially in these recent difficult years. When the market has required extraordinary interventions.”

META Ventures (MV) is an international fund manager specializing in early-stage investments in innovative, high-growth companies. It counts with more than 20 years of experience. MV has invested in more than 100 companies in Italy, Poland, Slovenia and Belgium. It has a unique range of public-private partnerships between business incubators and accelerators, among others.

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How to secure VC funding for your deep tech start-up Thu, 14 Apr 2022 07:00:47 +0000 Deep tech is being marked as the 4th wave of innovation. However according to DeepTech Investing Report 2020, deep tech ventures are not receiving VC investments. At least not until they reach their 4th year of operation. This clearly shows the difficulty for them in fundraising in the early stage. This makes it crucial for …

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Deep tech is being marked as the 4th wave of innovation. However according to DeepTech Investing Report 2020, deep tech ventures are not receiving VC investments. At least not until they reach their 4th year of operation.

This clearly shows the difficulty for them in fundraising in the early stage. This makes it crucial for funders to find a way to improve the investment readiness of their business.

The first supersonic plane after the Tupolev. The synthetic biology revolution, Flying taxis. A vaccine for COVID developed in nine months with a novel mRNA approach… What do these innovations all have in common? They are all driven by deep tech ventures. Also, they represent only a small fraction of what start-ups can achieve today.

META investment readiness program 

The potential is huge and concrete. Just look at Tesla and SpaceX to see how new ventures can turn industries upside down to grasp deep tech’s potential. Despite all its potential, there are still several challenges to the growth of deep tech. One of the main is accessing early-stage funding.

In this context, META, under InvestHorizon project, has supported more than 200 European early-stage deep tech ventures. That was only over the last three years. In total, they have ultimately raised more than 230M€, with an average ticket of 2,5M€. In other hand, they had an average timeframe to close a deal after participating in the program of 9 months. How have we been able to achieve these results?

We offered a different -new approach- to address investment readiness based on two main elements:

  1. Peer-to-peer approach. Exchanging experiences with other CEOs: CEOs of deep tech start-ups received feedback on specific business challenges from other European deep tech peers.
  2. Presenting to investors. Getting in touch with the right investors: deep tech startups were matched and presented to tailored groups of deep tech investors.

How to secure VC funding

Deep tech investment is on the rise. Recently, disclosed funding amounts increased from about $15 billion in 2016 to more than $60 billion in 2020. Nevertheless, deep tech ventures experience issues moving from grant funding to equity. Almost 50% of grant-funded deep tech ventures require several rounds of grants before succeeding at attracting VC funding. This is confirmed by the latest BCG and Hello Tomorrow survey. 41% of deep tech ventures stated that “there is more security with grant funding than with equity funding.”

Paradoxically, investment “dry powder” is at record levels (with a total of $1.9 trillion in December 2020, of which $1.1 trillion is in Private Equity; $331 billion Venture Capital; and $250 billion is Growth Capital). These record sums are driven by PE & VC funds raising capital from LPs more easily than ever before.

Therefore, although there is a lot of money in the VC ecosystem. Even if VC investors are aware of the huge opportunity behind deep tech, early-stage enterprises are struggling in fundraising compared to their “cousins” in the digital landscape.

Why is this happening? There are many different reasons behind this, however, most of them are related to VC industry standards and ecosystem issues. So, if deep tech venture founders would like to increase their chances to raise money, what should they do?

To secure VC

Deep technology is usually developed by privileged researchers in well-equipped laboratories operating within a small community of vertical experts. Thus, deep tech entrepreneurs are often scientists who are passionate about their technology. They are excellent at science, but less able to build the narrative that start-ups need to capture the attention of investors, thus, they are not “investor ready”. Investment readiness is the capacity of an entrepreneur, who is looking for finance, to understand the expectations of an investor and to be able to respond to them.

This is the reason why it is crucial for deep tech teams to increase their investment readiness if they are looking to raise funds.

European landscape

To better understand how deep tech start-ups address investment readiness issues and which solutions they adopt, META Group interviewed 45 CEOs of such companies.

The main challenge to access funding for deep tech start-ups in EU is the proper matching with the investors, as 34% of the interviewees identified it as the biggest obstacle. In the same way, CEOs find it difficult to identify and access the right network of investors, as starting from scratch could be frustrating.  In addition, respondents warned about the difficulty of meeting the investors’ expectations when approaching them. Last but not least, creating the right narrative (pitch deck) to investors it is also a big challenge.

How are start-ups dealing with these access-funding problems? Nearly a 40% of interviewees, are participating in pitch events and workshops with the aim of increasing their investors’ network. Others are seeking external support, such as consultants, bankers or incubation programs.

It has to be noted that, more than 30% of CEOs interviewed stated that they have to spend too much time in scouting for investors, presenting and participating in pitch events and even these solutions do not guarantee any success. They said how frustrating it is to spend time pitching at events and then having to realise that the investors’ network behind it is poor or not tailored, or not receiving feedback from investors after the pitch. Finally, respondents stated that incubation programs available in the industry are too standard, covering basic topics based on “frontal lessons” that do not bring value to the participants.

Are you a deep tech early-stage investor interested in accessing top quality deal flow or are you a deep tech venture CEO willing to increase your investment readiness? Email us at

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Horizon Results Booster reaches 300 completed services milestone Tue, 08 Mar 2022 08:00:31 +0000 Horizon Results Booster helps recipients of EU funding with all of these activities, and so far has delivered 300 services overall. Developing a business plan, exploiting a research result, preparing beneficiaries to launch their project to market… Horizon Results Booster helps recipients of EU funding with all of these activities, and so far has delivered …

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Horizon Results Booster helps recipients of EU funding with all of these activities, and so far has delivered 300 services overall.

Developing a business plan, exploiting a research result, preparing beneficiaries to launch their project to market… Horizon Results Booster helps recipients of EU funding with all of these activities, and so far has delivered 300 services overall.

With the aim of maximising the impact of research projects, the initiative backed by the European Commission has brought a continuous stream of innovation to the market. Since it began in 2020, the platform has shown no signs of slowing down, offering support to thousands of users who want to maximise the impact of their research results.

Currently, Horizon Results Booster offers three services. First, Portfolio Dissemination & Exploitation Strategy helps its users to build their capacities for disseminating research results and to increase the exploitation potential of their project. Then, as the name suggests, Business Plan Development assists beneficiaries by developing an effective business plan but also by preparing to secure funds. Finally, Go To Market makes a project ready for commercialisation.

Most managed services

75% of the 300 services managed in these two years have been related to Dissemination & Exploitation Strategy, which is divided into two blocks: module A strengthens the capacity of project groups to disseminate their research by creating a portfolio of research project results, module B helps users to execute a dissemination plan, while module C supports single projects in exploiting their research result and improving their exploitation strategy. Therefore, 101 services were delivered of which 80 belong to module A and 21 to module B, whereas 117 services have been completed in module C alone.

Besides dissemination and exploitation services, users have availed of Business Plan Development services 47 times, and Go To Market services 16 times. But it does not end there, as the initiative has more than 160 experts involved in its services and has also helped to carry out 9 studies, which provide an analysis of clusters of R&I project results in a specified research area and establish a clear link between the Commission policy objectives and the clusters.

Horizon Results Booster reaches 300 completed services

With the goal of building a culture of continuous improvement, META Group conducts satisfaction surveys with its beneficiaries to gauge sentiment around Horizon Results Booster’s services, confidence, and achievements. The statistics show remarkable fulfilment in each of the five differentiated services. Starting with module A of Portfolio Dissemination & Exploitation Strategy which obtained a score of 3,7 out of 5, the following services improved their scores in a stepwise manner; module B got a 3,9 out of 5 and module C received 4,2. Finally, Business Plan Development and Go To Market are the services which generated the most satisfaction in their beneficiaries, reaching a result of 4,4 and 4,5 out of 5, respectively, as can be seen in the next chart.

On top of that, Horizon Results Booster has enabled several companies to achieve a successful outcome. This is the case of COPKIT, an EU-funded project that develops technologies designed to take down cybercrime. COPKIT had a great technological innovation but did not know how to exploit its results properly. They applied for the Portfolio Dissemination & Exploitation Strategy services under Horizon Results Booster, with good results. “We were very happy with the service and I am sure the other partners found it useful as well,” said Corinna Pannofino, responsible for dissemination and exploitation for COPKIT. “Having someone who is able to go through it with you is very helpful,” added.


Another project that required HRB’s services was GEO-DRILL. GEO-DRILL is an initiative that encourages the use of geothermal energy. For them, the obstacle was that many European countries did not view geothermal energy in the same way as they did wind or solar energy. It was difficult to sell it there. Geo-Drill decided to approach the Horizon Results Booster programme to help them market their idea. “The Horizon Results Booster programme has broadened our horizons. We want to target not only policymakers, but also cross-sector groups.” Said Kevin Mallin, Managing Director of Geolorn Ltd, which is a member of the GEO-DRILL project. “We had a chance to meet all of these people not necessarily working on geothermal. So getting that understanding of how other people deal with those challenges has been hugely beneficial.”

Do you need help drafting the business plan for your EU funded research? Horizon Results Booster can help you bring your research results closer to the market. This will be possible by developing an effective business plan and preparing to secure appropriate funding to implement project results.

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Two startups take top prize for Italy Finals of Entrepreneurship World Cup Thu, 22 Jul 2021 09:27:47 +0000 After a though pitch battle, Recornea and Angiodroid captured first prizes, respectively for Early and Growth category, at the Italian national finals of the Entrepreneurship World Cup competition held online on 21st July 2021. The two national winners advance to the next round of the global competition against national winners from 200 countries. Recornea is a medical technology company developing implants for …

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After a though pitch battle, Recornea and Angiodroid captured first prizes, respectively for Early and Growth category, at the Italian national finals of the Entrepreneurship World Cup competition held online on 21st July 2021.
The two national winners advance to the next round of the global competition against national winners from 200 countries.
Recornea is a medical technology company developing implants for treating cornea deformities. Its first focus is keratoconus a disease that causes cornea bulging and presents a market of $3B.
Angiodroid developed the only automatic injector for CO2 angiography validated on the market, with fully patented technology, which allows better diagnostic results, and freedom to operate validation.
In preparation for the EWC Global Finals, both national winners will participate in an acceleration program that features virtual training and one-to-one mentoring targeted to their company’s current stage and growth trajectory.

Recornea and Angiodroid emerged victorious from a pool of 128 applicants in the Finals of Entrepreneurship.

Both startups advance to the next round and will compete for a slot in the Top 100 at EWC Global Finals

Other finalists at EWC Italy included:

For the early category

IUV is a startup that develops global plastic-free packaging solutions aimed to save the planet from plastic and waste, thanks to bioprotective treatments fruit and vegetable supply chain solutions, natural biobased water-soluble spray solutions, natural biobased plastic-free single-use packaging solutions.
QuicklyPro created Q-Walk, a wearable gait rehabilitation and maintenance device. Q-Walk is attached just below the knees and projects personalized visual cues that guide walking in patients with Parkinson’s disease. The device is connected to an app that facilitates specialist monitoring and patient engagement in their rehabilitation and care journey.
Radoff is an innovative startup that has developed a series of devices for monitoring radon gas, which is highly harmful and carcinogenic. It also developed the only apartment system (Radoff Life) that allows remediating environments from this contaminant.
Volvero is an app for sharing vehicles that connect owners with people who need one, saving time and money. Through AI and advanced technologies, it improves quality and security with crystal-clear full insurance coverage.

For the growth category

3bee developed an impact-driven business model that uses technology to increase the economic sustainability of the beekeeping sector. 3Bee provides innovative services to either honey producers or consumers with the objective, for the former, to enhance apiary margin and, for the latter, to increase the value perception of the product., a marketing technology company that has developed an AI platform based on data analytics and machine learning systems. Its goal is to democratize data and make access to it easier for everyone, through a single application platform.
Moveo is a company that developed a self-powered, lightweight soft exosuit to support walking by people with limited mobility. This is the first self-powered suit and the lightest in the world and is designed for those whose walking ability has been affected by degenerative disease, age or injury.
Phononic Vibes is bringing to market innovative & patented solutions to reduce noise and vibration in the field of Infrastructure, Automotive and Appliances. Phononic Vibes products are based on MetaMaterials (i.e., advanced materials whose acoustic and vibrations control performances are material agnostic).

Judges for the competition were:

⦁ Paolo Anselmo, IBAN (Italian Business Angel Networks) association President.
⦁ Jurij Giacomelli, Giacomelli Media Managing director.
⦁ Giovanni De Caro, strategic and financial Advisor.
More than 150,000 contestants from 200 countries entered the Entrepreneurship World Cup. The initiative combines a broad-reaching pitch competition, aimed at ventures ranging from the idea stage to the growth stage, with a virtual accelerator program to help all participants launch, strengthen and scale their enterprises. Global Finalists will face off against one another at the Misk Global Forum in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in November.
EWC is an initiative led by the Misk Global Forum, Global Entrepreneurship Network and the Global Education and Leadership Foundation with support from a collection of national and global partners, including the GSVlabs and META Group.
Click here to watch the National Final pitch session!
For more information contact us

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