Dissemination Archives - META Group https://www.meta-group.com/dissemination/ Knowledge to Market Mon, 26 Feb 2024 15:45:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://www.meta-group.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/favicon_30th-e1704732147652-100x100.png Dissemination Archives - META Group https://www.meta-group.com/dissemination/ 32 32 How to write a winning communication, dissemination and exploitation plan for your EU project https://www.meta-group.com/news/how-to-write-a-winning-communication-dissemination-and-exploitation-plan-for-your-eu-project/ Mon, 28 Aug 2023 07:00:28 +0000 https://www.meta-group.com/news/ As you fill out the grant for your latest EU research project, you come to the communications, dissemination and exploitation section. You quickly type out a short description of how you plan to create a website and use Twitter to Tweet about your results. You close the file and send off the application a few …

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As you fill out the grant for your latest EU research project, you come to the communications, dissemination and exploitation section. You quickly type out a short description of how you plan to create a website and use Twitter to Tweet about your results. You close the file and send off the application a few days later. When you don’t win the proposal, it’s likely you won’t even think about the communications, dissemination and exploitation section. 

Communications, dissemination and exploitation are areas that are often overlooked by researchers, but they are vitally important to one of the core requirements of EU funding grants – that the research carried out within Europe has IMPACT.  

Impact might be a publication submitted to a peer-reviewed journal (an example of dissemination), or a video that you create to explain your results to children (communication) or it might be that you managed to create a start-up and monetise the results of your project (exploitation). Basically, the impact of your research project is the effect that it will have on the world.  

But what exactly does EU mean by communication, dissemination and exploitation?  How can you make sure that your grant proposal addresses these requirements?  These are some of the questions that we are going to respond in this article.  

What is communication? 

Communication in the context of EU funding refers to the promotion of project results to a wider, generalised public – a non-specialist audience. Since these projects are funded by public money, it’s essential that we let the public know what we are doing. Citizens should be able to find out what national and European institutions are doing with their taxes.  

There’s a variety of ways we can communicate with the public. One of the most impactful might be targeting local, national and/or international media. Creating a website is indeed a form of communication, though now this is almost a basic requirement for every project and is not likely to get you extra brownie points!  

Communication comes before dissemination and exploitation because you can communicate even before your project gets results. Start by sharing your project’s objectives with others. Engage in outreach activities, such as beach cleanups (especially if your project relates to marine litter), essentially hosting events to inform people about your research goals. Consider contributing an article to a magazine or perhaps even launching a TikTok account! The possibilities are endless and the communication part of EU funding grants is an opportunity for you to be creative.  

A communication plan, clearly mapping out what communications activities you plan to do over the lifetime of your project, is essential for a winning proposal. With proper organisation and foresight, you will be able to define, monitor and fulfil a variety of communications objectives successfully. A few elements to consider within your communication plan are audience (who do we want to reach), the message (which are the key message we need to transfer) and the channels (where are we going to communicate our messages). Once those aspects are identified, we can develop our communication plan.  

What is dissemination? 

The goal of dissemination is to inform stakeholders, including peer researchers, policymakers, potential users, and industry, about the results of your project.  

Most of the time, these activities include organising events to present your results to your peers, writing scientific articles, taking part in conferences within your field or preparing a public report. This type of outreach is, by its nature, more technical and goes into more detail.  

By reaching out to this specific audience, you ensure that changemakers know about the latest developments you’ve made. That, in turn, can spur impact. For example, if a policymaker reads your report and acts on it, then you’ve had a real-world effect. Similarly, if another researcher uses your research to take their project to the next level, that’s also a real-world effect. As soon as a project has its first results, dissemination efforts can begin. What is exploitation? 

When talking about exploitation regarding EU projects, we are referring to using research results. Very often, when we think about exploitation, we think about commercialisation of research results – but that’s not all that exploitation is. Commercialisation is a very important aspect of exploitation, but exploitation can also be the development of a NGO for instance, or a position paper, or otherwise using research results in a real-world context.  It is a way for researchers to demonstrate that their work had a real impact on the society that funded their project. A business or exploitation plan can be a great tool to achieve your goals and take the results of your research further. Free support services, like the Horizon Results Booster, can help you develop an exploitation plan. 

 Horizon Results Booster offers, among other services, support to projects in exploiting their research results and increasing researchers’ capacity to improve their exploitation strategy. 


How Meta Group can help you to achieve impact via communication, dissemination and exploitation 

With almost 30 years of experience, Meta Group is a reliable partner to help you with your dissemination, communication and result exploitation activities. During the last three years, we have been managing Horizon Results Booster (HRB), a programme that helps EU-funded research projects understand how to achieve impact with their results. The project, funded by the European Commission, has successfully delivered 600 services for researchers aiming to take their projects further. Horizon Results Booster offers three different services regarding dissemination and exploitation activities. Those services involve: 

  1. Portfolio Dissemination & Exploitation Strategy:
    🔸Identifying and creating the portfolio of Research & Innovation project results (module A)
    🔸Creating the portfolio of results; design and execute a portfolio dissemination plan (module B)
    🔸Improving existing exploitation strategy (module C)
  2. Tailor made support services to develop a business plan 
  3. Assistance, coaching and mentoring for go-to-market activities. 

META Group has an extensive experience in supporting EU funded projects towards exploitation and use of results gained providing services to FP7 and H2020 projects within three important framework contracts. Moreover, META Group has the know-how to support the definition of viable business models for the adoption of results stemming from R&D projects.  

Don’t miss out on our related articles:

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Pioneering the Hydrogen Future: NAHV Project Receives Green Light https://www.meta-group.com/news/pioneering-hydrogen-future-nahv-receives-green-light/ Mon, 24 Jul 2023 07:00:10 +0000 https://www.meta-group.com/news/ With the North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley (NAHV) project, lead partner Holding Slovenske Elektrarne (HSE), META Group and the entire consortium of 37 partners, drawn from Slovenia, Croatia and the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia in Italy are proud to position their macro-region firmly ON THE HYDROGEN FUTURE MAP!  Rome, 24 July 2023 – HSE, …

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With the North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley (NAHV) project, lead partner Holding Slovenske Elektrarne (HSE), META Group and the entire consortium of 37 partners, drawn from Slovenia, Croatia and the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia in Italy are proud to position their macro-region firmly ON THE HYDROGEN FUTURE MAP! 

Rome, 24 July 2023 – HSE, the lead partner in the NAHV project, on behalf of the entire consortium, including META Group, last week signed with the Clean Hydrogen Partnership Joint Undertaking, a contract on the co-funding of the NAHV project, involving EUR 25 million in grants. This act served as the official green light for the implementation of this transnational European project as part of the Horizon Europe programme, which is aimed at establishing a dedicated hydrogen valley. The project will be implemented as of 1 September 2023, will last 72 months and will feature seventeen pilot projects across all three partner territories.  

META Group, as communication and dissemination partner in the project, will be responsible for mobilizing outcomes amongst the early adopters of NAHV KERs, promoting best practices in renewable hydrogen for the benefit of European citizens, governments and industry players, and raising general awareness.  

The partnership features a total of 37 organisations (34 partners and 3 associate partners): companies, universities, institutes and other public institutions from three territories: Slovenia, Croatia and the autonomous region of Friuli Venezia Giulia in Italy. The concept of the project encompasses the entire chain of the use of renewable hydrogen, from its production, storage and distribution to its end use in various sectors, mainly industry and land and maritime transport. The project received the highest evaluation of all Hydrogen projects presented for the call and was hailed by the European Commission as a Flagship Initiative  

Decarbonizing Industries and Creating Green Jobs

Industrial stakeholders from all three countries will develop pilot projects to produce more than 5,000 tonnes of renewable hydrogen per year from renewable energy sources and its storage, distribution and use. One of the most important objectives of the project is to create a renewable hydrogen market, both in terms of demand and supply, which would make it a competitive energy product of the future. By introducing advanced technologies for the utilisation of hydrogen and by developing know-how and infrastructure, the project also pursues other key objectives of the European Green Deal.

In particular, it concerns the decarbonisation of major industrial sectors, such as steel and cement production, as well as sustainable transport solutions to reduce the carbon footprint. In this way, the NAHV project begins to create a comprehensive ecosystem for the transition to the use of renewable hydrogen, which includes production and service activities to meet the needs of households and citizens, thus creating the jobs of the future by planning the required skills and competencies. 

This ambitious initiative not only aims to make hydrogen a competitive energy solution but also leads the charge in decarbonizing major industries and fostering sustainable transport solutions, all while paving the way for a greener future and creating the jobs of tomorrow. “The significance of this project was underscored by Ursula von der Leyen in her opening speech during the Hydrogen Week, where she highlighted NAHV as a shining example for other potential hydrogen valleys across Europe” remembered Marco Franchin, Project Manager at META Group. “NAHV will contribute to cut greenhouse gas emissions and improve the energy and economic efficiency, security and resilience of the energy system. Moreover, it will support the creation of a hydrogen market, and consequently, the creation of green jobs”. 

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Marco Franchin: Social innovation will provide new ways to tackle important challenges the society faces https://www.meta-group.com/news/marco-franchin-social-innovation-will-provide-new-ways-to-tackle-important-challenges-the-society-faces/ Wed, 24 May 2023 07:00:47 +0000 https://www.meta-group.com/news/ In our latest #MeetTheTeam interview, we talk with Marco Franchin, Senior Consultant at META Group. We discuss his work on knowledge valorisation, trends in innovation, and challenges and opportunities when working in this sector. ​Marco has been with META Group since July 2019. He is a senior consultant with more than 15 years of experience in …

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In our latest #MeetTheTeam interview, we talk with Marco Franchin, Senior Consultant at META Group. We discuss his work on knowledge valorisation, trends in innovation, and challenges and opportunities when working in this sector.

Marco has been with META Group since July 2019. He is a senior consultant with more than 15 years of experience in innovation services, exploitation of research and development (R&D) results, entrepreneurship strategies, and state aids and funding for young entrepreneurs. He has a background in International Relations from the University of Padua and Business Administration from the University of Bath. He is very passionate about military history and also a film buff, which is something we take advantage of when we need recommendations for good movies. 

What do you do at META Group? What is a typical day at work for you? 
I manage various projects in which META Group is responsible for the dissemination and exploitation of research results. I have been also involved in proposal writing and training delivery and I am one of the senior experts providing support within Horizon Results Booster. 
What is it like working on research valorisation? What does it involve? 
It is extremely challenging and stimulating. It involves curiosity, flexibility, patience, and dedication.  
More precisely, it means working with research organisations and making sure that the results they produce are geared towards solving problems, can be exploited, and can have significant impact. 
Very often, these partnerships include multiple actors, such as NGOs, private institutions and public authorities that may have different priorities or ideas when it comes to what research should focus on. My job is to analyse options and make recommendations considering the potential impact and sustainability of the research so the outcomes will have practical applications and will be leveraged for commercial or societal benefits. 
What project(s) or assignment(s) are you currently involved in? What is the most exciting part of it? 
I am currently involved in a project called RADIANT in which we are working on identifying new value chains for underutilised crops, meaning neglected species that hold great potential to diversify agricultural systems and diets. 
META Group is the exploitation partner with the aim to design a proper exploitation strategy to secure the use and generate impact. The most exciting part of this project is to help researchers identify the most promising key exploitable results. 
What is the most challenging part of your job? 
To convince researchers and academics of the importance of a coherent and accurate definition of their exploitation strategies. Even though the research landscape has changed a lot in the last few years, most of them are still considering that dissemination and exploitation are not relevant and part of their duties. 
What do you like most about your job? 
The fact that, even though META Group is operating in a (so-called) niche, I feel part of a company that with its experience and expertise can provide a remarkable contribution to assure that research results are somehow used and may generate the impact needed to keep EU economy and society competitive. Moreover, I work in an environment where I have the opportunity to grow and improve my skills. 
What are some of the challenges facing the clients, partners, or beneficiaries you work with? How can they be addressed in your opinion?  
With regard to institutional donors, such as the European Commission, one of the biggest challenges is to have a return in terms of competitiveness of the European ecosystem from the huge investments in research activities they have been funding for so many years. 
We also work a lot with start-ups and would-be entrepreneurs to make their business ideas more bankable and investment ready, which is one of their main challenges. 
Our work with researchers, on the other hand, focuses on understanding the right approach and starting point to make sure that the results generated by their activities can be used and generate impact. 
How does META Group help? Why is it important? 
Over the years, META Group developed an accurate methodology that is problem- rather than technology-driven and starts from the definition of the Key Exploitable Results. This approach had been successfully applied by working with over 2000 consortia supported at any technology readiness level. 
What are some trends you see in the sector you work in?  
I would say a trend is for sure social innovation. In the following years, some problems such as social inclusion, healthcare access and affordability, and poverty alleviation, might be tackled and solved by using new technologies and innovative approaches that can supplement the traditional methods used by the public sector so far. 
Do you have a nice memory from your time with META Group that you would like to share?  
When I run an exploitation workshop in Gdansk (Poland) for the AAL2Business service. Because of the COVID pandemic, it was the first workshop delivered in person in a long time. 
After many years of online deliveries, I experienced the difference in interacting with people in person. It has been challenging and tough but eventually, I had the positive feeling that I managed to support the beneficiaries to make a step further in the definition of their go-to-market strategies.

Check out other interviews with Anita TregnerAntonello Fiorucci, and Lorenzo Barabani

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Horizon Europe projects: new knowledge and benefits for citizens https://www.meta-group.com/news/horizon-europe-projects-new-knowledge-and-benefits-for-citizens/ Mon, 09 Jan 2023 14:38:16 +0000 https://www.meta-group.com/?p=5517 As part of the annual conference organized by the Agency for the Promotion of European Research (APRE), META Group delivered a workshop on “Is there impact without use? The challenge of knowing how to innovate in complexity“, one of the most pressing questions regarding research and innovation. For years, Europe has been dedicating huge resources to …

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As part of the annual conference organized by the Agency for the Promotion of European Research (APRE), META Group delivered a workshop on Is there impact without use? The challenge of knowing how to innovate in complexity“, one of the most pressing questions regarding research and innovation.

For years, Europe has been dedicating huge resources to scientific and technological research with the aim of supporting innovation and improving the lives of its citizens. Nonetheless, the results produced by research often do not translate into concrete benefits for the economy and society. To improve the return on these investments, with Horizon 2020 and even more with Horizon Europe, the focus shifted to ensuring that scientific excellence generates a tangible and recognizable change in a target group, a concrete impact. This shift requires a new paradigm, an approach that goes beyond the “European project” dimension and leads to the effective use of research results. The workshop by META Group based on 30 years of experience in valorising the results of European projects, attracted a lot of interest among the participants of the 2022 APRE Conference.

At the end of the meeting, Andrea Di Anselmo, President of META Group, gave an interview for the APRE Magazine that you can read below.

In your experience, what is the data that emerges from reading Evaluation Summary Reports (ESR), in particular considering EIC‘s Transition and Accelerator schemes?

There is a clear challenge for research teams to consider impact as a decisive element of the project and not an accessory aspect, secondary to the excellence of scientific advancement. Compared to tools such as the European Innovation Council’s Transition and Accelerator and also the European Research Council’s Proof of Concept projects, this is more and more evident. There is little confidence, and perhaps even little interest, in looking beyond research funding and focusing on what needs to be done so that excellent results are used, reach more adoption, and generate impact. These are tools that do not finance the development of new knowledge but activities to bring findings and new knowledge to the market or to transfer them to third parties.

Should the importance of impact in project evaluation also be reflected in the budget allocation between various activities?

The Anglo-Saxons saying “put your money where your mouth is” seems to me the the correct way to proceed. If an activity is considered important, this should be reflected in the allocation of resources.

We were talking about the EIC Transition: it is evident that by emphasizing the transition from research to market, the balance of activities, and consequently, of the budget, must address the “business / use oriented” objective. The same happens in collaborative projects and other types of funding schemes. The importance of this dimension is evident if we consider the weight that the impact section has in the evaluation phase of Horizon Europe and the attention dedicated to this topic in the proposal template. Furthermore, think about the formalization of concepts such as “outcome,” which denote a “factual” interest in impact. In this context, researchers should keep in mind that Horizon projects are required not only to develop new knowledge but to enable benefits for European citizens.

In your presentation, you insisted a lot on performance indicators and use. Is there an impact without using research results?

There are many discussions about “how to measure impact,” but very little attention to having results used as a first step towards generating impact.

At META Group, we say that “there is no impact without use” and that it is difficult to measure something that does not exist. Our focus is to help clarify how key exploitable results will be used by a specific target group. It is the use, in the long term, that enables impact. Having said that, the performance indicators in Horizon Europe are much simpler to select and make credible, thanks to the introduction of the concept of “outcome,” which concretely crystallizes the moment adopters start using a Key Exploitable Result, before or after the end of the project. Therefore, this immediacy allows us to define verifiable and effective indicators for the outcomes and to project them on the impact that will be enabled in the long run.

Of course, we are very interested in connecting with those who have made an impact with a result kept closed in their drawer.

Dissemination, exploitation, impact, are three different actionsare there still unclear points and room for improvement when dealing with them?

We come into contact with many projects. There is rarely a complete understanding from all partners of what needs to be activated to mobilize impact. Exploitation, Dissemination, and Communication are three different actions, each with a different set of activities to perform and with different target groups. We see many cases in which we talk about dissemination starting from the first months of the project’s life. From our point of view, it is strange that a specific target group can be informed about the opportunity offered by using a result, when this result does not yet exist and is not well defined or, better said, “characterized.”

The good news is that the European Commission is perfectly aware of these challenges and it is for this reason that it has created a program providing free services for all projects funded in Horizon Europe, H2020 and FP7. The program is called Horizon Results Booster and supports the implementation of Exploitation, Dissemination, and Communication activities to maximize impact and generate benefits for European citizens.

The Horizon Results Booster free services can be requested at www.horizonresultsbooster.eu. We suggest that all funded partnerships apply to benefit from the methodologies and tools provided by the team of experts that deliver these support services.

Especially in the academic environment and in research centers, there are excellent groups with well-trained and competent colleagues in the technology transfer and third mission offices, ingredients that give us the opportunity and the possibility to do better.

Interview originally published in the APRE Magazine

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Horizon Results Booster hits 400 completed services milestone https://www.meta-group.com/news/horizon-results-booster-hits-400-completed-services-milestone/ Tue, 19 Jul 2022 07:00:36 +0000 https://www.meta-group.com/news// Since its launch in 2020, Horizon Results Booster has grown rapidly, helping more users maximise the impact of their research results. ​Horizon Results Booster has reached a new milestone: 400 complete services provided! Thanks to Horizon Results Booster, recipients of EU funding can learn how to significantly increase the impact of their research results. The …

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Since its launch in 2020, Horizon Results Booster has grown rapidly, helping more users maximise the impact of their research results.

​Horizon Results Booster has reached a new milestone: 400 complete services provided! Thanks to Horizon Results Booster, recipients of EU funding can learn how to significantly increase the impact of their research results. The European Commission supported the initiative. HRB started in 2020 to train researchers on how to develop a business plan, exploit a research result or launch their project to market.

“Progress of knowledge is essential for any community. This public investment programmes transform results into benefits for society. They help to maximize the social, economic, technological, and scientific value of public funding. Definitely, it is a must”, explained Andrea Di Anselmo, senior expert at Horizon Results Booster and META Group’s President. “This transformation is only possible if we use results. Moving out of the R&D dimension and into innovation that reaches the market”, he added.

Horizon Results Booster’s innovative system for providing support enables researchers to identify a profitable business model for their project. Thus, the package provides an integrated view of a practical portfolio dissemination plan, offers guidance to improve the exploitation strategy, develops an effective business plan and, finally, brings the results closer to the market.

About Horizon Results Booster

Horizon Results Booster offers three main streams of support. The Portfolio Dissemination & Exploitation Strategy package is divided into three further services: Modules A and B aim to build greater capacity to disseminate research results, while Module C intends to increase the exploitation potential of a project. Next, Business Plan Development helps beneficiaries to develop a business strategy including an analysis of the market and competitors. Finally, Go To Market supports the beneficiary by preparing the product for commercialisation.


The Portfolio Dissemination & Exploitation Strategy service is behind of almost 75% of the 400 completed services. Thus, 102 services belong to Module A; 32 to Module B; and 161 to Module C. On top of that, beneficiaries benefited from Business Plan Development services 69 times. In other hand, Go To Market services helped on 27 occasions. Through Horizon Results Booster, 9 EU Dissemination and Exploitation reports were also completed, providing the analysis of the D&I clusters.

Here is an overview of the organizations reached from the beginning of the project.

Achieving market impact and long-term sustainability depends on effective and impactful dissemination and exploitation strategies and actions. This is why it is essential to dedicate time and effort to exploitation and assimilation of research results. Not to mention that building from a poorly-laid foundation leads to disaster.

Do you need support to fully achieve the potential of your EU funded research and bring it closer to the market? Horizon Results Booster can help you maximize the impact. Also, it can help to develop an effective business plan and prepare to secure appropriate funding to implement the project’s results.

Learn more and apply here: www.horizonresultsbooster.eu

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Horizon Results Booster reaches 300 completed services milestone https://www.meta-group.com/news/horizon-results-booste-reaches-300-completed-services/ Tue, 08 Mar 2022 08:00:31 +0000 https://www.meta-group.com/news// Horizon Results Booster helps recipients of EU funding with all of these activities, and so far has delivered 300 services overall. Developing a business plan, exploiting a research result, preparing beneficiaries to launch their project to market… Horizon Results Booster helps recipients of EU funding with all of these activities, and so far has delivered …

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Horizon Results Booster helps recipients of EU funding with all of these activities, and so far has delivered 300 services overall.

Developing a business plan, exploiting a research result, preparing beneficiaries to launch their project to market… Horizon Results Booster helps recipients of EU funding with all of these activities, and so far has delivered 300 services overall.

With the aim of maximising the impact of research projects, the initiative backed by the European Commission has brought a continuous stream of innovation to the market. Since it began in 2020, the platform has shown no signs of slowing down, offering support to thousands of users who want to maximise the impact of their research results.

Currently, Horizon Results Booster offers three services. First, Portfolio Dissemination & Exploitation Strategy helps its users to build their capacities for disseminating research results and to increase the exploitation potential of their project. Then, as the name suggests, Business Plan Development assists beneficiaries by developing an effective business plan but also by preparing to secure funds. Finally, Go To Market makes a project ready for commercialisation.

Most managed services

75% of the 300 services managed in these two years have been related to Dissemination & Exploitation Strategy, which is divided into two blocks: module A strengthens the capacity of project groups to disseminate their research by creating a portfolio of research project results, module B helps users to execute a dissemination plan, while module C supports single projects in exploiting their research result and improving their exploitation strategy. Therefore, 101 services were delivered of which 80 belong to module A and 21 to module B, whereas 117 services have been completed in module C alone.

Besides dissemination and exploitation services, users have availed of Business Plan Development services 47 times, and Go To Market services 16 times. But it does not end there, as the initiative has more than 160 experts involved in its services and has also helped to carry out 9 studies, which provide an analysis of clusters of R&I project results in a specified research area and establish a clear link between the Commission policy objectives and the clusters.

Horizon Results Booster reaches 300 completed services

With the goal of building a culture of continuous improvement, META Group conducts satisfaction surveys with its beneficiaries to gauge sentiment around Horizon Results Booster’s services, confidence, and achievements. The statistics show remarkable fulfilment in each of the five differentiated services. Starting with module A of Portfolio Dissemination & Exploitation Strategy which obtained a score of 3,7 out of 5, the following services improved their scores in a stepwise manner; module B got a 3,9 out of 5 and module C received 4,2. Finally, Business Plan Development and Go To Market are the services which generated the most satisfaction in their beneficiaries, reaching a result of 4,4 and 4,5 out of 5, respectively, as can be seen in the next chart.

On top of that, Horizon Results Booster has enabled several companies to achieve a successful outcome. This is the case of COPKIT, an EU-funded project that develops technologies designed to take down cybercrime. COPKIT had a great technological innovation but did not know how to exploit its results properly. They applied for the Portfolio Dissemination & Exploitation Strategy services under Horizon Results Booster, with good results. “We were very happy with the service and I am sure the other partners found it useful as well,” said Corinna Pannofino, responsible for dissemination and exploitation for COPKIT. “Having someone who is able to go through it with you is very helpful,” added.


Another project that required HRB’s services was GEO-DRILL. GEO-DRILL is an initiative that encourages the use of geothermal energy. For them, the obstacle was that many European countries did not view geothermal energy in the same way as they did wind or solar energy. It was difficult to sell it there. Geo-Drill decided to approach the Horizon Results Booster programme to help them market their idea. “The Horizon Results Booster programme has broadened our horizons. We want to target not only policymakers, but also cross-sector groups.” Said Kevin Mallin, Managing Director of Geolorn Ltd, which is a member of the GEO-DRILL project. “We had a chance to meet all of these people not necessarily working on geothermal. So getting that understanding of how other people deal with those challenges has been hugely beneficial.”

Do you need help drafting the business plan for your EU funded research? Horizon Results Booster can help you bring your research results closer to the market. This will be possible by developing an effective business plan and preparing to secure appropriate funding to implement project results.

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Lean Canvas: an essential tool for bringing research to the market https://www.meta-group.com/news/lean-canvas-essential-tool-bringing-research-market/ Thu, 10 Feb 2022 08:00:57 +0000 https://www.meta-group.com/news// There are many reasons why a research result (either a service or a product or a process) is not used once the EU funded project ends. Issues like no real need, not selecting the right early adopter or running out of cash could result in failure and prevent the achievement of the Technology Readiness Level …

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There are many reasons why a research result (either a service or a product or a process) is not used once the EU funded project ends.

Issues like no real need, not selecting the right early adopter or running out of cash could result in failure and prevent the achievement of the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) required to scale up. To avoid these issues, approaching the end of the project with a plan is crucial.

But how do we better prepare ourselves?  How do we build a sound “users” base? Dealing and solving problems is the foundation for building a sound and sustainable “customer” base. Every customer has a problem, but every problem has a solution. On the contrary not every solution has a problem…

The goal is to define a plan providing relevant indicators to check if our “use model” is doing well, to validate our assumptions. if we apply the scientific method not only to our lab experiment but also when testing the use of our results, our “out of the lab” activity, we may be able to still find some room to manoeuvre if things do not go as we assumed.

There are some useful tools like Lean Canvas, which was originally designed to help start-up businesses, but which can also be adapted to make the link between the “lab” and the “use” by our target “clients”.

Lean Canvas: an essential

Lean Canvas allows you to create a pathway to be followed, where each step to take matters.

First, it is essential to identify the problem and investigate its alternatives. List three problems and concisely describe how they can be solved. Next, segment your customer base into target groups, those suffering from the problems which you have already listed. Connect them and the problem to achieve success. The clearer the customer group is, the more concrete the validation of the problem will be.

Secondly, define a unique value proposition. This mean outlining concretely what makes you different from competitors. Also, why you are worth purchasing or investing in, so the customers do not choose any other alternative solution. It all starts with a problem, so make sure to explain in a realistic way how you are going to solve that problem better than everyone else.

For the next step you must go deeper and write down the most distinctive elements of the solution. Also, how you can deliver your unique value proposition. Think about what your solution is, what it can provide your customer with.

How to approach clients

Once you have clear in mind what you can offer, you must face one of the toughest problems you may have. How do you reach your customers? There are plenty of channels that can be used to approach the clients. However, it could be hard as it depends on the solution and the organisation. It is crucial to know who the customer of the solution is. Also, remember that the more precise the definition of the target group is the more precise the definition of the channel will be.

Finally, time to think about figures and money. Getting funds to cover the project you have implemented is complicated but vital. Think about various revenue streams to earn or raise money and consider how much funds could be gathered. You need to be as precise as possible, so connect it to the cost structure for operations and determine whether alternative sources of funding are necessary. Also keep in mind that the whole process should be monitored to understand if the pathway is going in the right direction. So, the last step is to define some metrics to measure your activity.

Do you need help drafting the business plan for your EU funded research? Horizon Results Booster can help you bring your research results closer to the market. This will be possible by developing an effective business plan and preparing to secure appropriate funding to implement project results.

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Horizon Results Booster Health Check https://www.meta-group.com/news/horizon-results-booster-health-check/ Thu, 09 Sep 2021 10:29:14 +0000 https://www.meta-group.com/news// One year into the Horizon Results Booster, how are we doing? We’ve delivered 170 services to date, helping EU projects to achieve their dissemination and exploitation objectives. Our most popular service was “Portfolio Dissemination and Exploitation Service Module C” whereby we review the key exploitable results of your project, revise, complement and clarify exploitation plans, …

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One year into the Horizon Results Booster, how are we doing?

We’ve delivered 170 services to date, helping EU projects to achieve their dissemination and exploitation objectives.

Our most popular service was “Portfolio Dissemination and Exploitation Service Module C” whereby we review the key exploitable results of your project, revise, complement and clarify exploitation plans, and help you to perform a risk analysis related to the exploitation of results.
Here’s the breakdown of the marks out of 5 that our participants gave us per service:
Overall, our participants give us a score of 4/5 for services delivered!
To break that down further:
  • For content, participants gave us 4/5.
  • For overall experience, 4/5.
  • For our experts, 4/5.
  • And 4/5 participants said that they would recommend us to other projects.
And we’re only going to get better. We’ve received feedback from the majority of our participants, and we’re duly improving our services.

Some testimonials

Here’s what some of our participants had to say:

“Working with contents from the projects always help defining project impact and activities beyond the current project. Very practical. Thanks.” 

“I think these sessions are very good to have and should not be done at the last step of the project (lesson learned for coming projects! ;)).”

“The two experts were very well prepared and did engage a lot with our not so easy group! Thank you both for your help and your patience!”

“The HRB delivery team were very efficient and very practical in their approach and interactions. Unlike so many such projects, HRB seems less constrained by protocols, which suggests a much better outcome when projects reach the stage where they need to be commercially robust. Well done to all involved.” 

“It was an overall useful experience that I would truly recommend. We are looking forward to keep growing with the booster in the next steps.” 

“Very useful and constructive – wish I had known about it earlier in the project. Will take forward a lot of ideas for future proposals.” 

“Really appreciated the HRB service and the methodology used to characterize the key exploitable results. It’s important to have someone from outside the consortium who challenges ideas and help to develop exploitation pathways. I would definitively recommend it.” 

“Super good programme and very flexible and hands-on.”

Want to know more?

Find out more and apply to Horizon Results Booster here
Sign up to our Booster newsletter here
Contact us here

The post Horizon Results Booster Health Check appeared first on META Group.

Partnership between META and AESIS https://www.meta-group.com/news/partnership-between-meta-and-aesis/ Wed, 26 May 2021 09:00:15 +0000 https://www.meta-group.com/news// AESIS, the Network for Advancing and Evaluating the Societal Impact of Science and META signed a collaboration agreement to boost the use of research results and their impact in the Social Science and Humanities domains “The collaboration aims at further developing methods and tools to support the use of R&D results in Social Sciences and …

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AESIS, the Network for Advancing and Evaluating the Societal Impact of Science and META signed a collaboration agreement to boost the use of research results and their impact in the Social Science and Humanities domains

“The collaboration aims at further developing methods and tools to support the use of R&D results in Social Sciences and Humanities and boost their impact. Despite the strong potential of this research, it is not considered in the same way as STEM disciplines when it comes to funding, attention to its results and their adoption outside the academia” said META’s vice-president Andrea Di Anselmo.
The International Network for Advancing and Evaluating the Societal Impact of Science (AESIS) is an organisation that aims to connect science with society. They bring together stakeholders from the academic world, government, business, and civil society to exchange best practices and expertise on the impact of science on the economy, culture, the environment, societal wellbeing, and more.

The AESIS Network is convinced that advancing societal impact: 

  • can only be robust if based on a well-balanced insight on how the impact of science on society can be measured;
  • should investigate the impact of the humanities, the social sciences and the hard sciences in one comparable approach for accountability;
  • should preferably include both the societal impact of scientific research and university education.
This aligns with META’s vision of driving knowledge to use – not only STEM knowledge but also the one stemming out from social sciences and humanities. META helps researchers to transform their expertise and results into impact, achieving long-lasting effects on the community and society at large.
META is an expert in exploiting the results of research activities, especially those from EC funded programmes. For over 25 years, META supported in using research results more than 5.000 SMEs, research and technology organizations, and coached and tutored 20.000+ R&D projects participants.
SSH research will play a more important role in the new Horizon Europe Framework going forward and it will be essential to maximise the returns to society from this investment.
  • Currently, META is leading Horizon Results Booster, the support service for dissemination, exploitation and valorisation of research results, supported by the European Commission. The goal of the Horizon Results Booster is to elicit meaningful impact from the excellent research being funded by the European Union.
Social sciences and humanities research projects funded under H2020 and HorizonEurope are more than welcome to avail of these services – fill out an application form today! 
For more information on this project or META’s other initiatives, please contact us META at: info@meta-group.com.



The post Partnership between META and AESIS appeared first on META Group.

Horizon Results Booster Health Check https://www.meta-group.com/news/horizon-results-booster-health-check-2/ Sat, 08 May 2021 08:39:35 +0000 https://www.meta-group.com/news// One year into the Horizon Results Booster, how are we doing? We’ve delivered 170 services to date, helping EU projects to achieve their dissemination and exploitation objectives. Our most popular service was “Portfolio Dissemination and Exploitation Service Module C” whereby we review the key exploitable results of your project, revise, complement and clarify exploitation plans, …

The post Horizon Results Booster Health Check appeared first on META Group.

One year into the Horizon Results Booster, how are we doing? We’ve delivered 170 services to date, helping EU projects to achieve their dissemination and exploitation objectives.
Our most popular service was “Portfolio Dissemination and Exploitation Service Module C” whereby we review the key exploitable results of your project, revise, complement and clarify exploitation plans, and help you to perform a risk analysis related to the exploitation of results.
Here’s the breakdown of the marks out of 5 that our participants gave us per service:
Overall, our participants give us a score of 4/5 for services delivered!
To break that down further:
  • For content, participants gave us 4/5.
  • For overall experience, 4/5.
  • For our experts, 4/5.
  • And 4/5 participants said that they would recommend us to other projects.
And we’re only going to get better. We’ve received feedback from the majority of our participants, and we’re duly improving our services.
Here’s what some of our participants had to say:

“Working with contents from the projects always help defining project impact and activities beyond the current project. Very practical. Thanks.” 

“I think these sessions are very good to have and should not be done at the last step of the project (lesson learned for coming projects! ;)).”

“The two experts were very well prepared and did engage a lot with our not so easy group! Thank you both for your help and your patience!”
“The HRB delivery team were very efficient and very practical in their approach and interactions. Unlike so many such projects, HRB seems less constrained by protocols, which suggests a much better outcome when projects reach the stage where they need to be commercially robust. Well done to all involved.” 
“It was an overall useful experience that I would truly recommend. We are looking forward to keep growing with the booster in the next steps.” 
“Very useful and constructive – wish I had known about it earlier in the project. Will take forward a lot of ideas for future proposals.” 
“Really appreciated the HRB service and the methodology used to characterize the key exploitable results. It’s important to have someone from outside the consortium who challenges ideas and help to develop exploitation pathways. I would definitively recommend it.” 
“Super good programme and very flexible and hands-on.”

The post Horizon Results Booster Health Check appeared first on META Group.
