Projects Archive - META Group Knowledge to Market Thu, 07 Mar 2024 16:57:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Projects Archive - META Group 32 32 De-and Remanufacturing for Circular Economy Investments in the Composite Industry Thu, 07 Mar 2024 15:52:33 +0000 The DeremCo project aims to establish a Circular Economy solution that will unlock the cost-effective reuse of post-use composite materials and components in new high-added value products. The developed solutions will be based on the inter-relation between the technical and social eco-systems at local and interregional levels to bring benefit to the environment, industry, consumers and the European society. The DeremCo …

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The DeremCo project aims to establish a Circular Economy solution that will unlock the cost-effective reuse of post-use composite materials and components in new high-added value products.

The developed solutions will be based on the inter-relation between the technical and social eco-systems at local and interregional levels to bring benefit to the environmentindustry, consumers and the European society. The DeremCo consortium’s members have been selected to combine suitable knowledge, industrial background, as well as capability to commercially exploit the outputs of this project, thus unlocking the demand-driven Circular Economy approach.

DeremCo, as Investments project, will demonstrate the developed solutions with different cross-sectorial industrial use cases. These have been classified according to the required processes into two different pilot strategies for unlocking the potential of End-of-Life composite materials as manufacturing sources. The project combines geographical areas with the highest utilization of composites and its Consortium is based on complementary in smart specialization on technical enablers. DeremCo counts 30 partners from 7 European Countries.

How is META Group helping

META Group operates internationally to shape knowledge-based opportunities from the idea to the start-up and scale-up stages. The focus is use of research results and innovation support, including open innovation, start-up creation, access to early-stage funding and Smart Specialisation Strategies.

Within DeremCo project, META Group is responsible for the tasks related to business modeling, exploitation, financing and market uptake, so it supports consortium partners in developing business models and plans to ensure sustainability of business after the end of the project. META will also coordinate and manage open calls of the project.

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Elevating energy efficiency standards Thu, 25 Jan 2024 12:15:33 +0000 iEPB is a EU-funded project at the forefront of energy performance innovation. The mission is to elevate energy efficiency standards across the EU, through optimisation of practices, environmental consciousness and performance assessments. This includes the alignment of existing Energy Performance Certifications, the use of innovative complementary tools, and a shared data model for EPB assessments. …

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iEPB is a EU-funded project at the forefront of energy performance innovation. The mission is to elevate energy efficiency standards across the EU, through optimisation of practices, environmental consciousness and performance assessments. This includes the alignment of existing Energy Performance Certifications, the use of innovative complementary tools, and a shared data model for EPB assessments.

The initiative involves a collaborative effort of 12 international partners, from 4 European countries (Spain, Italy, Netherlands and Austria): Instituto Valenciano de la Edificación Fundación, EPB Center, Fundacion Cener, Certificación Energética, Stichting Isso, Energie Agentur Steiermark Gemeinnutzige, Fundatecyr, Asociación Empresarial Hotelera y Turística de la Comunidad Valenciana, Buro De Haan Informatie Technologie, De Haan Dienstverlening & Management, Baubiologisches Institut Osterreich, META Group, and Fondazione Icons.

iEPB logo


iEPB’s methodology focus on 4 main pillars:

  • Common data model development: aims for universal applicability and coherence by collaborating with validated EPB Assessment software for standardized assessments.
  • Operational implementation: demonstrates added value in operational ecosystems, showcasing benefits for multiple target groups, through the integration of multiple assessments within a unified framework.
  • EPB assessment quality: prioritizes actual building data, addressing deficiencies in Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) for upcoming EPBD provisions.
  • Market support and stakeholder engagement: supports the market adoption of EPB Assessment tools by fostering synergies and enhancing overall effectiveness and acceptance in the building performance landscape.


The project aims to enhance EPC integration, streamline data processing for building assessments, improve EPC accessibility and user-friendliness, ensure EU-compliant EPB Assessments, and demonstrate practical effectiveness. Hard impacts involve professionals enhancing practices and end-users improving understanding, usage, and trust in EPB assessments through iEPB tools. Soft impacts result from various planned activities, including stakeholder analysis, instrument development, testing, training, and public outreach.


iEPB supports European countries in adopting EPBD recast provisions by utilizing pilot environments in Spain, The Netherlands, and Austria, involving key stakeholders to provide real-world data for validating iEPB’s solutions across diverse building typologies and varying degrees of EPBD implementation.

Read more about iEPB.

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Better monitoring for Shalegas sites Tue, 23 Jan 2024 01:32:18 +0000 Shale Gas Operators monitor their sites by manually extracting samples and analysing them in a laboratory every few weeks. Pollution can therefore go undetected for several weeks.   The ShaleSafe sensor system will monitor key parameters several time a day, alerting the Operator whenever any pollution is detected to provide greater security for citizens, companies and …

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Shale Gas Operators monitor their sites by manually extracting samples and analysing them in a laboratory every few weeks. Pollution can therefore go undetected for several weeks. 

The ShaleSafe sensor system will monitor key parameters several time a day, alerting the Operator whenever any pollution is detected to provide greater security for citizens, companies and regulators.



How ShaleSafe Helps 

The ShaleSafe sensor system, lowered into monitoring wells, will monitor key parameters several time a day, alerting the Shale Gas Operator whenever any pollution is detected and providing greater security for:

  • Citizens: ShaleSafe-equipped Operators can provide local councils with reassurance that any pollution will be detected as soon as it occurs, not weeks later
  • Operators: lower pollution risks, and operations futureproofed against regulatory change
  • Regulators and Policymakers: ensuring pollution is detected immediately, protecting both the environment and the emergence of this new energy industry.

Join our pilot phase

ShaleSafe is being commercialised by the SHALESAFE research project. Shalegas operators, environmental monitoring specialists and regulators are welcome to join our pilot testing phase, planned for late 2017, so  get in touch to discuss how ShaleSafe can help you.


Download: Shalesafe Brochure

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Build the Perfect Pitch Mon, 08 May 2023 09:23:03 +0000 The Pitch Clinic workshop is designed for early-stage startups looking for risk-capital investors. It covers key aspects such as funding sources, approaching investors, and creating an appropriate pitch tailored to specific situations.  The participants have access to learning resources. It includes a hands-on session to present their pitch live in front of other startups and …

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The Pitch Clinic workshop is designed for early-stage startups looking for risk-capital investors. It covers key aspects such as funding sources, approaching investors, and creating an appropriate pitch tailored to specific situations. 

The participants have access to learning resources. It includes a hands-on session to present their pitch live in front of other startups and receive personalized feedback.This workshop helps you master the pitch that every risk capital investor wants to hear.

Build the perfect pitch

We want to unburden innovators and entrepreneurs from the daunting trial and error process of designing and presenting the right pitch. The Pitch Clinic provides not just a set of tools and a proven framework but also the opportunity to develop and practice an effective pitch together with experts and peers in a real-life context,” said Lorenzo Valeriani, Senior Expert at META Group and one of the trainers.  

Drafting a successful pitch deck to raise funds can take 23 months with an average of 32 reiterations. Many entrepreneurs spend up to 18 months struggling to develop an effective pitch and looking for potential investors. This leads to high opportunity costs. Learn which pitch structure works best, how to prepare your speech, how to convey your message to captivate and convince your audience.

By joining the workshop, founders will be able to design or improve their existent pitch deck during an intensive 3,5-hour session. The program is based on META Groups’ 20 years of experience in coaching entrepreneurs and investing in early-stage startups.  

Visit the Pitch Clinic website to learn more and subscribe to our newsletter to learn about future editions.

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Enriching European History with Big Data Mon, 08 May 2023 08:55:29 +0000 Time Machine aims to link Europe’s rich past with up-to-date digital technologies and infrastructures. This will create a collective digital information system that maps Europe’s economic, social, cultural, and geographical evolution over time. Within the framework of the European Union’s corona virus recovery plan, the European Commission initiated a new support action for interregional partnerships. …

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Time Machine aims to link Europe’s rich past with up-to-date digital technologies and infrastructures. This will create a collective digital information system that maps Europe’s economic, social, cultural, and geographical evolution over time.

Within the framework of the European Union’s corona virus recovery plan, the European Commission initiated a new support action for interregional partnerships. It aims to mobilise regional and national innovation actors to address the impact of the Covid-19.

To accelerate recovery from Covid-19 challenges, it drew upon the successful experience of similar actions, such as the strategy employed in Trento, Italy. This strategy focused on interregional innovation projects and aimed to create tangible investment projects in specific thematic areas.

Time Machine aims to build on the Big Data of the past, creating a vast distributed digital information system that maps Europe’s social, cultural and geographical evolution over time. This large-scale digitalisation and IT infrastructure will enable Europe to turn its long history, as well as its multilingualism and interculturalism, into a living social and economic resource.

By expanding the frontiers of scientific research in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH), Time Machine will have a strong impact on key sectors of the European economy: ICT software, creative industries, and tourism. In addition, it will offer new perspectives in urban planning, land management and smart city development.

The initiative is expected to have strong long-term positive effects on European cohesion, economy and society. It will contribute to the promotion of critical thinking at all levels of decision-making. The structure is also expected to strengthen the sense of European identity. In addition, it will boost competences such as entrepreneurship, employment, and scientific and technological competitiveness across the European Union.

META Group’s Support

META Group supported the Time Machine initiative in the implementation and technical development of business innovation investment cases selected by the Virtual and Smart Digital Tourism partnership. The main role of META Group is to guide and support the partnership in the preparation of a business and investment plan, interacting with case partners to provide strategic advice and guidance in presenting it to potential investors.

Watch the below video and take a tour of the Time Machine website to learn more.  


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A New Generation of Multifunctional Sensors For Brain Research Mon, 08 May 2023 08:52:17 +0000 OXiNEMS is a European project aimed at developing Nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) from transition metal oxides to measure weak magnetic fields generated by brain activity. NEMS are devices integrating electrical and mechanical functionality on the nanoscale level. They can function as biosensors to monitor important physiological variables during surgical procedures. Some examples of such applications are …

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OXiNEMS is a European project aimed at developing Nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) from transition metal oxides to measure weak magnetic fields generated by brain activity.

NEMS are devices integrating electrical and mechanical functionality on the nanoscale level. They can function as biosensors to monitor important physiological variables during surgical procedures. Some examples of such applications are intracranial pressure, cerebrospinal fluid, pulsatility, weight load, and strain.

NEMS are gaining importance in many sectors, like electronics, automotive and healthcare. The use of these devices enables the production of small chips with extended functionalities, improved performance and reliability.

Expected Impact


The OXiNEMS project plans to develop NEMS devices made entirely of transition metal oxides, introducing a new class of multifunctional sensors.

This will pave new ways in brain imaging by addressing a critical challenge in neuroscience and clinical communities. It is capturing brain activity and connectivity with high spatial and temporal resolution through a combination of imaging procedures.

The OXiNEMS team is developing strategies for the integration of such devices into small-scale prototypes. The prospect looks at the development of new large-scale commercial multimodal instruments.

Maximising the Use of OXiNEMS Research

META Group is supporting OXiNEMS in maximizing the exploitation of research results. Also, it assists in utilizing these findings for product or process development, creation, and marketing.

The project is coordinated by the Italian National Research Council in partnership with META Group, Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden), University of Hamburg (Germany), D’Annunzio University of Chieti – Pescara (Italy), and Quantified Air BV (Netherlands).

Visit the OXiNEMS website and learn more about META Group’s research valorisation solutions.

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Realising Dynamic Value Chains for Underutilised Crops Mon, 08 May 2023 08:50:42 +0000 RADIANT is a European project that promotes crop diversification, environmental and agrobiodiversity preservation, and fair economic development through the valorization of underutilised crops. A consortium composed of researchers, farmers, value chain actors, and consumers carries it on. It develops solutions and tools that promote underutilised crops, agrobiodiversity, sustainable diets and dynamic value chains. META Group …

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RADIANT is a European project that promotes crop diversification, environmental and agrobiodiversity preservation, and fair economic development through the valorization of underutilised crops.

A consortium composed of researchers, farmers, value chain actors, and consumers carries it on. It develops solutions and tools that promote underutilised crops, agrobiodiversity, sustainable diets and dynamic value chains.

META Group supports RADIANT by developing methodologies to generate new knowledge and exploitable results. These outcomes will be used for capacity building, training, and commercialization. Additionally, they will contribute to further scientific development.

RADIANT’s Objectives

  • Demonstrate successful transitions to inclusive agrobiodiversity systems.
  • Carry out improvement programs so that underdeveloped crops become more competitive.
  • Test the best agricultural practices that maximize their sustainable production.
  • Expand their environmental, social and nutritional recognition, through the characterization of its multiple benefits.
  • Offer solutions for their integration into profitable value chains, based on political, social and governance innovations.
  • Empower society to integrate these foods into their diets.

The project, with a duration of 4 years, has 20 pilots (AURORA farms) that cover different activities across Europe, where we will test and demonstrate good practices.

Why Is It Important?

In the last century, 75% of the genetic diversity of crops has disappeared. There are about 259,000 plant species. Among them, 50,000 are edible. Only 150-200 species are actually consumed. Three species, namely maize, rice, and wheat, provide 60% of the calories and nutrition in the human diet. It is also estimated that very few crops account for the largest percentage of occupied land: maize (6.7%), potato (4.8%) soybean (6.5%), and wheat (9.5%).

While smallholder farmers may often produce a variety of landraces and crop species, most do not have well-established producer-consumer links; are unaware or have no access to monetary incentives or no capacity to apply for them; and lack access to sufficient quantities of locally adapted seeds and farming and processing machinery.

In parallel, cropping systems are underpinned by an agricultural paradigm of monoculture and industrialised agriculture (hybrids, agrochemicals), contributing to the decrease of crop diversity reflected in the repetitious foods European citizens consume daily.

The EU Farm to Fork Strategy aims to make the EU food system more robust and resilient to future crises like COVID-19, growing population demands and increasingly recurrent natural disasters such as floods or droughts. To achieve this, value chains must move towards becoming more biodiverse and resilient, hence dynamic.

RADIANT Project Network

The European project “RADIANT – Realizing Dynamic Value Chains for Underutilised Crops”, coordinated by Universidade Católica Portuguesa in Porto (Portugal), involves 29 entities from 12 countries – Portugal, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Hungary , Spain, Greece, Italy, Germany, Ireland, Bulgaria, Netherlands, Cyprus – and also has the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations as a partner.

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Developing the cornerstone of fast, reliable infection detection Mon, 08 May 2023 08:48:34 +0000 META Group supports the design of a nanobiotechnological platform that will make pathogens detection more economical, faster, and efficient. “The fight between humanity and viruses is eternal,” says Maria Neira, the Director of Public Health and Environment at the World Health Organization, in the preface of the book Viral. There is no doubt that viruses have infiltrated …

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META Group supports the design of a nanobiotechnological platform that will make pathogens detection more economical, faster, and efficient.

The fight between humanity and viruses is eternal,” says Maria Neira  in the preface of the book Viral. She is the Director of Public Health and Environment at the World Health Organization. There is no doubt that viruses have infiltrated our lives and we are still learning to live with them.

The recent appearance of the SARS-CoV-2 has shown the urgent need for novel tools in terms of pathogen detection.  This is because, despite all the previous scientific and technological advances, we were not prepared for such a pandemic.

That’s why META Group has joined ECLIPSE. It is a research initiative that will design and develop a nanobiotechnological platform to improve the cost, simplicity, reliability, and sensitivity of pathogen detection. ECLIPSE is expected to represent a breakthrough advancement in the fight against communicable diseases.

Ready for the next pandemic

ECLIPSE will be a particular combination of interdisciplinary elements, such as electrochemiluminescence, signal amplification, and the use of recognition elements. In this way, this technology doesn’t intend just to detect illnesses like SARS-CoV-2,. It will detect also others like the Leishmania protozoan parasite, which causes Leishmaniasis. And the Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacterium, which can cause several lung infections.

The platform is also designed to be applied to many other infectious agents, making it a technology that is “ready for the next pandemic”. Another advantage of ECLIPSE is the detection process. It will be faster than PCR-techniques thanks to a portable device, as the overall waiting time will be around 30 minutes.

Through ECLIPSE, the research team contributes to what could become a game-changer technology in European countries. Since it is expected to be a cornerstone for fast, cheap, selective, and ultrasensitive tracking of infections that affect millions of people every year.

The University of Bologna coordinates the project for a duration of 42 months, with META Group as the exploitation partner. The project consortium includes Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research, Karlsruhe Institute for Technology, University of Messina, University of Milan, Personal Genomics SRL, Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology (CSEM).

Visit the ECLIPSE website and learn more about META Group’s research valorisation solutions.

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Supporting SMEs Through Policy With Scale-Up Mon, 08 May 2023 08:41:36 +0000 It’s a known fact that when regions manage to attract entrepreneurial talent and young start-ups to their area, the entire area benefits as a result. ​Innovation can be the lifeblood of a region.  Innovative companies bring young, highly skilled workers, who have a dynamic lifestyle, who have young families, who avail of the already-existing businesses …

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When regions attract entrepreneurial talent and young start-ups, the entire area benefits. It’s a known fact.

​Innovation can be the lifeblood of a region. 

Innovative companies bring young, highly skilled workers with dynamic lifestyles and young families. They avail of the already-existing businesses and services in the area. This injection of workers to a community can boost local businesses and increase employment opportunities.

However, innovative companies also have very specific needs, and the regions in which they settle need to be able to address these concerns. The Lazio Region in Italy knows this and has already put in place a number of initiatives to make the area more friendly to start-ups.

Now, those start-ups are growing up, and it’s time to support them to scale-up at the national and international level.

The “SCALE-UP Supporting concentration and robustness of SMEs within the renewed EU industrial policy” project involves several regions across the EU. It’s funded by Interreg Europe and LazioInnova is a partner in this project. The goal is to improve the policy instruments – such as Regional Action Plans – that support SMEs’ capacity to grow, both at national and international level.

LazioInnova have selected META Group to define a new Regional Action Plan that will outline the path that the Lazio Region needs to take in order to attract and retain innovative companies, as part of the SCALE-UP project.

META Group analysed all the good practices that LazioInnova and the other partners have shared regarding their regional policies. META Group also provided LazioInnova with a SWOT analysis and a validation of these best practices. Next steps will be the preparation of the Regional Action Plan to pave the way to the adoption of the selected practices to boost scale-up.

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Strenghtening the commercialisation of Active Assisted Living programme results Mon, 08 May 2023 07:47:47 +0000 How does a company transform a great idea into a commercial opportunity? AAL2Business created market-ready products and services to achieve better quality of life for older people The Active Assisted Living (AAL) Programme was a funding programme that aimed to strengthen industrial opportunities in the field of healthy ageing technology and innovation. Projects that work towards …

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How does a company transform a great idea into a commercial opportunity? AAL2Business created market-ready products and services to achieve better quality of life for older people

The Active Assisted Living (AAL) Programme was a funding programme that aimed to strengthen industrial opportunities in the field of healthy ageing technology and innovation.

Projects that work towards creating market-ready products and services to create better quality of life for older people get funded. To give these projects the last push that they need to get into the market, AALcreated AAL2Business. This initiative was delivered by META Group and APRE. It provided business support to the beneficiaries of the AAL Programme to strengthen their commercialisation strategy and drive project results into the market.

Dario Mazzella, a trainer and innovation expert from META Group says: “Our aim is to push (the entrepreneurs) to get out of the building, select one segment and contact potential customers to validate their assumptions.”


  1. Lean Start Up Academy: A chance to increase commercial traction and further market success.
    AAL projects will be guided by business coaches in how to identify their target market. Also, they will help them to use the best channels to reach their potential customers, choose a fitting value proposition.  Validating their business model by checking their assumptions against the market plays also a crucial role.

  2. Go-to-Market Launchpad
    Provides the project teams with dedicated training and coaching on how to present a business value proposition in a clear and convincing way and how to catch the attention of investors and/or potential customers and business partners.

  3. Thematic Online Courses: Live webinars.Participants will be given an insight into how to improve their skills and develop an entrepreneurial mindset.
    The webinar curricula will contain theoretical and practical modules related to the following topics:
    • the Lean Canvas
    • the Value Proposition Canvas
    • basics of IPR and the unfair advantage
    • advanced IPR (negotiation, IP transfer, etc.)
    • how to deal with potential customers
    • early stage investors (who they are and what are they looking for)
    • how to pitch to investors

Tools for business developtment: These selected tools and materials that help AAL projectsto succeed in business development include videos, reports and toolkits in business modelling, value proposition designnational funding, initiatives & more.

Market guidance

business support network has been established comprised of AAL Business Experts Points (BEN) from each country, participating in the AAL programme to keep national AAL participants informed about commercialisation, market uptake and investment opportunities available at national and European level.

Visit and learn more about META Group’s capacity building solutions

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